"The serial killer? Well done Wallace" Piella then appeared with Fluffles in her grasp, placing her foot out to stop the bomb from rolling away. "Sharp as a brick. Although your mutt and those meddling kids with their stupid bird friends were suspicious of my behavior all along" Piella glared over at Kali, Gromit, the twins, and the chickens. Kali growled back at Piella. Fearless, narrowing her eyes at the baker murderer, knowing she would pay for what she had done. 

"Now all of you do exactly as I say or Fluffles gets snuffled" Piella had a rolling pin in her other hand, threatening to hurt Fluffles. 

Gromit wanted to help Fluffles, being worried about her. But Kali placed her hand in front of Gromit, holding him back to avoid any potential conflict between either of them.

When surprisingly, Fluffles bit Piella's hand, this gave Nobby the opportunity to grab the bomb. It was too heavy for him, so Gromit helped him carry it. 

"Here let me help you" Gromit said, and the two of them took off with the bomb. 

Piella forcefully threw Fluffles down off her hand. "You've crossed me once too often you treacherous little!-" Piella glared coldly as she hitted Fluffles for betraying her. 

"HEY!" The twins yelled, ready to attack Piella for hurting poor Fluffles.

Meanwhile Nobby and Gromit ran upstairs to the engine room, trying to dispose of the bomb. 

"Nobby, Gromit, get rid of that bomb!" Kali and Ginger shouted. 

"Get that thing away lads!" Wallace added, in a bit of concern. 

The dog and rooster headed for the nearest window. They were about to throw the bomb out into the backyard, but a family of ducks were in the pond below. 

"Oh come on!" Nobby groaned, knowing that they couldn't throw the bomb out that way, despite his feud with ducks. 

They ran to another window but stopped, seeing two nuns with a bunch of kittens and some signs that said "Save the kittens". 

"Seriously?" Nobby groaned again. Gromit also gave that look, of course with being a dog he had problems with cats.

Gromit and Nobby soon found a way to get rid of the bomb, when they were gonna throw the bomb into the Yorkshire Border. They ran for the window, but where both hit by a shovel from Piella. Nobby made it out okay, but Gromit fell into the mixing batter. 

"Gromit!" Kali and the gang cried out, worried about him. 

"We'll help him" The chicks said, followed by Mac, Babs, Bunty, and Fowler.  

The bomb then fell out the window, Piella growled in frustration. 

"That has put a spanner in the works" She said to the remaining group while grabbing a large wrench, planing to strike Wallace with it. Kali was in front of Wallace, ready to protect him, with help from her siblings, Ginger and Rocky.

Ginger had her feathers ruffled up, glaring at the baker murderer. She bravely jumped at Piella's face, squawking at her, trying to distract her from Wallace. But then she quickly bounced back so Piella wouldn't have time to hit her. 

"If you want to get to Wallace, you're gonna have to deal with us first" Kali told Piella, narrowing her eyes. 

"Yeah" The twins added. 

"You and your stupid birds just couldn't stay out of my way could you!" Piella growled at the human kids and their two chickens for interfering with her plans. She tried to strike them but soon turned her attention back to the one she wanted, Wallace. 

Ginger and Rocky meet Wallace and GromitWhere stories live. Discover now