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Lyle lays on the bunk as Violet checks his tempreature. I had woken up to go pee when I found Lyle seeming to attack Grover. They think he's sick I think he's in some kind of chemical shock like he seems alive but His insides are slowly destroying itself cell by cell"His hearts beating like a drum"Coach says"But he doesn't have a fever or a cough or anything like a normal sick person"V says. "That is not a normal sick person."Grover replies"Kid needs a hospital"Coach's annoyance is clear in his reply. "Is it contagious?"I ask "Maybe"V replies to me"You don't know if the hospital's still there"Violet always the reasonable one. "If this is contagious I do not want to be down here Chemical warfare seemed scary enough in history class."I say starting to walk out"Maybe that's not the right idea, Skylar. There could be more up there. If it is like your saying they could be going crazy. It's most likely not safe"Barrett says. "Thanks for the advice, but I can take care of myself."I walk out and upstairs.

*Time Skip*

"This is bad"I mumble to Noodle looking at all the almost lifeless bodies of the teens who had went outside. "Is this what happened to my sisters?"I couldn't help the thought that came to me. "They should already be in America by now"Barrett tries to reassure me"You don't know that. We don't know that. None of us know anything. Our families could be dead. Or being killed by whatever is killing them. Gracie has never even been to school before. Annie has her first dance recital next week. They don't deserve this they haven't even got to live yet. I should of stayed waited tell I was sure they were safely on there way. I shou-"I was crying and rambling by now panic and sadness falling over me. Noodle pulls me into a hug"shh shh there is no way you could of known, Penny"He rubs my back. "Maybe you two should go upstairs"I hear coach say as Noodle unwraps his arms around me and guides me back to the teachers lounge where we had all slept.

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