"Queenie, you know this is highly inappropriate," Newt said to her, and she glared at him angrily. Seeing Jacob, being caught and Newt being unexpectedly back made her flare up in anger. She was already angry at Newt for leaving so suddenly, for hurting Tina, although unintentionally. Queenie knew exactly how they felt about each other, and it made her feel even more remorseful toward him. However, she knew she was being irrational. She was upset, after calming down she'd be pleased that he was visiting again.

"What's highly inappropriate is that you-"

Jacob cut in, interrupting Queenie's reply. "Hey, guys? Is something goin' on? If it is, I'd rather have you talk it out outside, not in here. It's bad for business, customers fighting and all."

Everyone looked away, a guilty aura in the air. This wasn't the time nor place for arguing, no matter how bad what Queenie was doing was. She was risking both her and Tina's careers, something that they both had worked hard on. A bright layer of sunlight streamed through the window, illuminating the blonde curls on Queenie's head, and Jacob felt himself falling back in love. Something was pulling at him, and he had an intense feeling of deja vu regarding the people in front of him. He frowned, and Queenie shuffled nervously, hoping and praying that his memory wouldn't be recovered.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said anything," Newt apologized suddenly, looking toward Queenie.

Queenie rejected his apology. "No, no, it's fine, really. I just... didn't think you'd be here."

"Queenie, we have to discuss this," Tina said, a worried look on her face. "You know you can't have any relations with no-majs, let alone romantic ones."

"But why? Just because he's a no-maj doesn't mean we should treat him any differently!" Queenie retorted, but she faltered because any argument she had was invalidated. She knew not to see Jacob, but still did despite her best judgement.

There was a deafening silence that was accompanied by a heavy feeling in the air. Queenie looked back at Jacob longingly as he tended to another customer, and Tina fiddled with her hands and stared at the swirled designs of the table. The silence was a wall, separating them indefinitely. It was the calm after a storm.

"I..." Queenie attempted to break the silence. It was quiet, too quiet, and even though she was a legilimens the consistent flow of thoughts and noise had died down to leave her in a lonely abyss. "When did you get back, Newt?"

"Only just this morning, I've had an incredibly busy schedule since publishing my book. I would've wrote, had I not, but honestly I found myself unable to come up with the words to say," Newt explained. In all honesty, he truly couldn't find the words to say. Tina was very important to him and while he felt terrible for not telling her, he knew he'd have been rendered speechless had he seen her waiting for him at the dock. It's much more satisfying to be greeted unexpectedly than at the docks, when you're unknowing of what to say, he mused.

"Newt Scamander, an acclaimed author who couldn't find the words to say," Tina quipped lightheartedly.

Newt sent a look of offense her way. He was still on the edge after the Queenie and Jacob incident, even though it'd only been a minor mishap. Tina realized he didn't take it as a joke and quickly tried to change the subject.

"How're the creatures?" She asked, trying to make it less obvious that she was changing the subject to elude any further mistook statements. Newt, however, didn't seem to mind, and instead grew excited at the mention of something he was passionate about. A new batch of occamies had just hatched, something exciting not only to him but hopefully to her as well, given they'd captured the mother only ten months before.

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