"Because lets say, ive forgiven you for headbutting me for the Sausage Party challenge."

"Lets make a deal girlie. Dont say my name for eliminations, I wont say yours." Alexa offered.

VC-Paige- My first alliance? Finally!

"Fine with me." Paige agreed "I'll go get my things."

"Sweetie, " Alexa turned to Renee and said, "You'll find out about this game soon enough. But hey, welcome to The Challenge. You have no clue what you're in for."

Alexa walked away.

VC-Renee- Thanks. That makes me feel sooo much better.

Renee spent her first night at the challenge house talking to everyone and getting to know them better. She had no clue what types of challenges she would be doing. But hearing the players talk about past challenges freaked her out a bit. Especially when she heard they were once buried alive.

VC-Renee- So far im talking and getting along with everyone. Thats just what I do. Im a genuinely friendly person so im not sure if making enemies is up my alley. Everyone loves me. I cant help it.

VC-Charlotte- Judging by her physical appearance, Renee doesnt look like much competition. She's slim and a little on the short side. Im not threatened by her at all.

Xavier led everyone to the bar area where he poured shots for everyone and stood on top of the counters, much like he did when they all first came into the challenge house.

"We've been here for a month." Xavier started his speech, "We've lost some, we gained 1. We made enemies, we gained friends. We caused mischief, we made memories. Now, we dont know how much longer we'll be here, so for the love of god, lets leave a legacy while we can. Does anyone want to do a toast?"

"I'll do one." Dean offered and got up on top of the counter with Xavier. Everyone raised their shot glass as Dean began his toast.

"Here's to you, here's to me. The best of friends we'll always be. But if we find that we disagree, FUCK you, here's to me! Welcome to The Challenge Renee." he said and everyone took their shot.

VC-Renee- Man, we got some dramatic people in this house. I love it!


Nikki had just gotten out of the pool. She wrapped her wet hair up in a bun and made her way into the room she shared with Brie and Alicia.

While approaching the door, she heard talking from within the room. She didnt go inside, instead she pressed her ear against the door to listen.

'I think you're the coolest girl in the house to be honest.'


'Yea I mean the other girls are so....different. I like your style.'

' *Giggles* I like yours too.'

Nikki listened on. She tried to recognize the voices. She knew the female voice was Brie for sure.

The male voice she took some time to realize.

'I dont want to rush things. I mean, I want to spend time with you but I dont want to jump into a relationship if you know what I mean.'

'Oh yea for sure. Lets take things slow.'

'I didnt come here looking for a relationship but I just cant help myself.'

'The heart wants what it wants.'

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