Panting was the first thing that became clear after a moment. Hushed voices. I squinted my eyes. The air vents shifted. Air blew my hair back strongly.

Suddenly the fearful voice of my mom became even more clearer. "You're the killer...From the news"

My eyes widened. The air stopped. I looked away from the ceiling, standing up, quickly making my way to the kitchen.

Once I reached the room, I halted in my steps, chocking on a gasp at the sight.

Mom was pinned against the wall, legs dangling a few feet from the floor. There was a gash line of blood on her forehead with blood dripping down as she stared in horror at the figure of a man wearing dark clothes and a cap in front of her. Even with the sunlight coming from the windows I couldn't see anything from his face, not even when he tilted his head to face me as if sensing I was there.

The man's hand was in the air, pointed finger toward my mom.

Mom followed his gaze, "Becca..." She weakly gasped, squirming against the wall in terror. The man tilted his head in interest, not taking his attention away from me "Run!"

I didn't hesitate, turning around, trying to leave as I noticed the supernatural occurrence. He was like mom described. He had power, like her.

I had barely taken a step away before a strong force pushed on my back making me fly toward a wall, screaming in fright and pain as my head hit a picture frame making it shatter and fall to the ground along my body.

I landed on top of some glass, hissing in pain as my hands stinged with the broken glass. I gasped in pain as the back of my head throbbed, lifting a bloody hand to feel around my head, hissing, withdrawing my shaking hand to see my fingers coated in a red substance. More blood.

I was breathing heavily in fear as I slowly stood up, turning my head to face the man. But he was no longer facing me. He was looking at my mom, lowering a hand that was pointed in my direction as he straightened up his other hand, pointing toward my mom with his pointed finger making her scream in pain as the gash in her forehead began to grow, more blood dripping down to her face.

I looked on in fear as I realized whatever ability he had, he was using it to slice her forehead.

"No" I murmured, as something bubbled inside of me, growing with each passing second he wouldn't stop hurting her. "Stop! Stop it!"

Mom screamed in pain as the man ignored my screams, blood running down the slice of her head.


A strong hush of wind broke into the house by the window, blowing everything in sight. Plates, papers, furniture, including the killer. The man suddenly flew back across the kitchen, landing harsh on the floor, groaning.

Mom felt with a thud, coughing in pain and fear.

I breathed heavily in shock, running to her when I suddenly froze. I couldn't move. I struggled against the force preventing me to move, starting to cry.

Mom was looking behind me in horror. "Let her go"

I hissed in pain at a stinging sensation in the front of my head, hot liquid falling down the sides of my head, "Mom"

"Not her, please" Mom cried out, stumbling to her feet weakly as blood continued flowing out of her head. "She's of no interest to you. She can't ID you either" The slicing wasn't done yet. I could still feel the way my skin broke with the force of his ability. She raised a shaky hand, pointing behind me. "Stop it or I'll stop you"

The slicing stopped. I breathed in relief as the force keeping my body stilled disappeared making me stumble forward, "What-"

"Becca, run" Mom cried, looking seriously. I glanced at the sink. It was shaking as water was forcefully pulled out from the pipes. "I can't stop him forever"

I glanced behind me. The man was surrounded by water, unable to move.

"Mom, you have to-" I began helplessly.

Mom shook her head as her hand shook with extorsion, "I can't go with you. I have to make sure you're safe. You're all I have, sunshine. I love you. And I'd do whatever it takes to protect you"

And I knew she would, "I love you"

"I love you too" Mom cried freely, tears combining with her blood. "Now run and be safe"

A splash of water behind me made me snap, starting to run as I heard mom scream as her body crashed against the wall.

"MOM!" I yelled, slowing down but not stopping. I felt that force again trying to stop me "NO!" I turned around to face the man, raising my hands at him. A rush of wind blew harshly against the man making him stumble backwards.

I had no time to feel awestruck as I turned around and ran away. Away from my house, all the way down the street.

It was very early in the morning so there were not many people awake. Tears were streaming down my face as I ran all the way out of my street and away from my mom and her... (I don't...)


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