Tide vs Ozone

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Centuries ago...

"Hurry.. hurry!!" A white haired girl, who looked much like Narina, only possessing a black ninja gi, with a golden wolf upon her clothing, slid down a slope in old japan, followed by similarly garbed ninja, who were all masked.

"The white wolf is with us sister.." said one of the ninja, slinking over to the white haired kunoichi. "So far.. they have not noticed us.."

"Those accursed samurai and the rich fools.." muttered the white haired girl Marina Hirako, "Their high taxes have hit the poor of this country far too long.. "

"Rumor is.. the blue jewel which summons the Water Demon is hidden inside this palace.." said Marina's ninja companion. "We need not kill or cause a riot, our mission is pure stealth.. understand?"

Marina smiled as electricity crackled around her body. "Come now.. we're shinobi.. since when have I ever-?"

"Too many times... Far too many times.." muttered the other ninja, a sweatdrop going down his head. 

Down below, lights from paper lanterns hanging from the edges of the porches that surrounded the low one floored Japanese palace, bathed parts of the pitch black darkness in light.. 

Moving silently, without even a sound, or a crack of twig or leaf, the ninja ran down into palace courtyard, staying out of the light..  

A few guards yawned and stood there.. and when they turned, immediately, all the ninja got into a fetal position and hid their faces.. scrunching up and going absolutely still..

This was a real tried and tested technique. (not joking, not fiction, true Ninja technique for invisibility).  Called Uza-Gakure, a ninja could effectively hide his or presence by remaining absolutely still and being one with the environment around him. Much like how a Chameleon could remain unnoticed by remaining still with well adapted colors, the same held true for black clothing and stillness.. and to top it off, the enemy would expect to look behind a tree or under a rock.. not out in the open next to a coy fish pond. 

The technique worked, the guards turned away, having not noticed a thing.. and Marina moved first, shifting like an illusion through the shadows. She used a bit of static from her fingers to cause the windchimes on the other side of the palace to start clanging, catching the guard's attention elsewhere as she slipped into the palace.

She closed the screen door behind her and turned to find a small sapphire, set in what looked like an alter. 

Smiliing, Marina inched closer... then...

She turned her head, and nearly had a heart attack, immediately pulling back into a shadow and assuming a stealth stance. 

A creature was sitting near the center of the room, surrounded by scrolls, reading. It was Tide.. her one eye roved over one of the scrolls on her lap..  She was wearing a beautiful white kimono decorated with wave patterns, her tail slithering around under her clothing, twitching with innocent curiosity. 

"You can't hide from me you know." said Tide, turning her head to look at Marina. "I could sense the around 70 percent water that comprises your body"

"You speak.. demon.." said Marina.

"Well Japanese is an interesting language, I would be forlorn if I didn't learn it while I was awake.." said Tide. "Fear not.. I am not interested in violence.. I am pacifistic.. I only wish for the betterment of other living things.. I am Tide.. that is my name.. in English it means the current that is caused by the moon..  come.. sit with me.. the nice lord here presents me with quite an abundance of books and scrolls to read, and it is a nice diversion from boredom.. though I could probably learn this all telepathically.."

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