*Shakadera Dojo*

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Jay's POV:

We got off the train and headed toward the dojo. Then Honcho said, "Jay, there are two paths you can take to get to the dojo. One is an easy trail, the other is a hard hike through the forest surrounding the dojo. Which do you wanna take?" Everyone looked at Honcho like he was crazy. Then Valt yelled, "WHAT ABOUT THE NO DIFFICULT HIKES RULE!? YOU REMEMBER WHAT HAPPENED LAST TIME WE CAME HERE AND TOOK THE HARD ROAD!" I ignored Valt's yelling as I was thinking. Wakiya then said, "Um, I realize I wasn't there last time ya'll came here, so I don't know what happened or why you voted easy hikes, but I kinda want to see this difficult trail. It's probably not that hard and you guys are just over reacting." This time I heard what he said. Then I made my decision, "We are taking the hard road since me and Wakiya have never gone through it. I'm going to assume Shu hasn't either since he seems a bit confused by what Valt said. I also love a good challenge. Who knows, it might be one of my easier hikes."

We went to the edge of the forest and we started heading up. It wasn't all that hard, it just wasn't paved or at least flattened out. I just kept going up, jumping from rock to rock, and I was moving pretty quick. The guys on the other hand were moving a bit slower and were starting to get tired. Then I heard Honcho say, "Geez, she like Xander. I swear their both part mountain goat. How the heck do they moved like that?" I started laughing at this. I stopped and waited for them to catch up. When they caught up, Shu said, "You were gone for about three years. How in the world did my scared and clumsy twin turn into someone as Rantaro says 'part mountain goat'? I mean you could barely get up the stairs you were so clumsy." I looked at him with a dumb grin on my face, "How do ya' think I did it? I trained. I couldn't be a  purple belt if I didn't train now could I?" They all nodded realizing it's like beyblade. You have to practice to get stronger. I felt we were being watched and quieted down a bit and said, "Uh guys, I think we are being watched." The three who had been on this trail before knew they would be watched. Shu and Wakiya were both freaked out that they were being watched. We all mutually agreed I'd lead since I could fight if I needed to.

??? POV:

All three of us were up in the trees watching the beyclub come up, but there was a girl with them this time. So we started whispering among ourselves while we were hidden in the shadows.

"Hey guys, we know the guys down there, but who's the girls with them?"

"I don't know the girl, but I see Diago and that's all I care about."

"I didn't know you like their shadowish person. I guess it makes since though."

"Can we get back to the girl, she's as agile as Xander and shes moving through this pretty much effortlessly."

"Well then, should be make sure the traps are ready?"

"Yeah. Just make sure not to trap or hit Diago."

Before we left we saw the girl wait for the others. Shu said something, but we couldn't hear much. All we heard was something about a twin. Then the girl said some stuff we couldn't make out. The last thing was even harder to make out since she lowered her voice, but everythng else was so quiet that we heard it. "Uh guys, I think we are being watched." After hearing that, we went on ahead to set up the traps.

Jay's Pov:

We got a little further up the mountain, and I could tell something wasn't right. I realized there was a pit trap and grabbed the two people closest to me, which was my brother and Diago at the time, and jumped out of the way of the hole. Unfortunately, Honcho and Valt fell in. Wakiya was lucky enough to not fall in, but he was close. We started laughing at the two in the hole as they struggled to get out. Then I realized there was something else fishy. I told the two boys with me to hold on tight as I jumped out of the way of a swinging log. I ended up on the nearest tree. The log swung at it was headed towards Wakiya. He ducked down and the log missed him, but in doing so he lost is balance and fell into the hole on top of Honcho. They started arguing and it was honestly really annoying, and I was starting to get a bit mad. Then Valt suggested they hug it out and make up. This caused them to yell at Valt and argue even more. My eyebrow started twitching as I got more annoyed as they continued. Then as calmly as I could I said, "Would you guys just make up so we can get up this dumb mountain. I don't care if Wakiya fell on you Honcho, but it is annoying as crap listening to you argue. So I suggest you stop arguing and get moving!" After I said that, the two slightly scared boys got out of the hole and stayed quiet the entire way up.

Jay OC x Wakiya MurasakiWhere stories live. Discover now