Not Like The Rest

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(SpongeBob X Horse)
Thank You FaxDude For Being The First Person To Request A Oneshot On This Book. You Still Suck Though.

SpongeBob watched in awe as a herd of wild seahorses passed by the Krusty Krab. It was truly a beautiful and rare sight to see. SpongeBob sighed once the final seahorse passed.
The experience was over.

"Spongebob! Get back in the kitchen! There's still a whole lot of orders you haven't filled yet!" Squidward shouted from the register. "Oops! Sorry, I just got distracted." Spongebob chuckled.

He dashed to the kitchen and towards the freezer, grabbing as many patties as possible. Then, one by one he flung the patties onto the grill. He could hear fish shouting from eating area. He was going to have to hurry.


The work day had ended, and SpongeBob was on his way home. He took deep breaths as he walked. He just couldn't shake the thought of those gorgeous seahorses.

I mean, who would be able to? Their dazzling fins shined so brightly underwater, the way they moved so gracefully was magnificent. SpongeBob wondered what it would be like to walk hand in hand together across Jellyfish Fields, what it would be like to snuggle against a seahorse by the fireplace during the cold winter.

What would it be like to look deep into the eyes of that beautiful creature, before sharing a passionate kiss? SpongeBob would never be able to find out. He couldn't love a seahorse. He be looked down upon by all of his peers. He would be referred to as a freak, a monstrosity. A sad excuse for a sponge.

Once SpongeBob reached his house, he ran upstairs. Ignoring all of Gary's meows and whines. He just wanted to sleep. He didn't want those awful thoughts anymore. He just wanted to be able to love a seahorse, but still be accepted by the people he loved. But it just wasn't possible.

SpongeBob sighed, pulled the soft covers over his tired form, and fell into a deep slumber.

___In SpongeBob's Dreams____________

SpongeBob stared at the gorgeous sundown. It was a beautiful sight to see. SpongeBob took a deep breath, then slowly exhaled. "This is nice." Spongebob sighed. He closed his eyes, and enjoyed the wonderful silence.

Suddenly, the clopping of hooves was heard. SpongeBob looked around, and his mouth fell open in suprise.

 SpongeBob looked around, and his mouth fell open in suprise

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

A beautiful stallion stood proudly to his left. It's mane flew smoothly in the soft sea breeze.

"Y-you look even m-m-more amazing than a s-sea-seahorse..." Spongebob Sputtered out like a dying PUTT PUTT.

The wild beast let out a neigh in response. It walked closer to SpongeBob. It licked his side. SpongeBob shivered. The feeling of the animals moist tounge against his sponge like skin was so satisfying. He stared at the land horse. It stared back at him.

"Up there," The horse whispered, "You won't be judged." Spongebob pet its soft mane. "Meet me at the stables." It commanded. SpongeBob nodded, and leaned in for a kiss, but the horse turned away. "Not yet." It sighed. The horse started to walk away.

_______________W O K E________________

SpongeBob's eyes slowly opened. He stared blankly at the ceiling, before chuckling to himself. He pushed the covers off his form and began to pack his things. That horse. That land animal was much more amazing than any seahorse he had ever seen. He was going to meet it in person, even if it killed him.

_______________Time Skip_______________

There he was. On land. At the stables. SpongeBob didn't even know if he was at the right stables. But it didn't matter. He just wanted to see one of those gorgeous mammals in person. SpongeBob pushed open the door to see the horse from his dreams. That shiny eyed beauty.

He walked towards the creature, and cupped its snout in his hand. The horse leaned into his hand lovingly. "I left it all behind for you," Spongebob started, "I think I deserve that kiss."

The horse looked into SpongeBob's eyes. SpongeBob looked back at the horse. They both slowly started to lean towards eachother, until their lips finally connected into a passionate, loving kiss.

This was true love. And on the surface, nobody could judge them.

Word Count: 717

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Oct 31, 2017 ⏰

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