Chapter 1:No More

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Connor laughed as he watched Anya carrying a pile of boxes almost bigger than her "Why didn't you ask me to get those?" he walked over and took them out of her arms. She threw him a glare which made him laugh even more "Never Mind" He smirked "Anything worth keeping?"

"Probably not" Anya sighed, she began to look through the first box "But we don't know until..." as she picked up an old book she felt something.

"You okay Hun?" Connor put down his box and walked over to her. He watched curiously as Anya opened the cover of the book "What is it?"

"I don't know yet" Anya flicked through the book "Thomas James Murphy, Connor write that down, I look it up later"

"Already done it" Connor grinned as he fuck a pencil behind his ear "Is there anything else in the car?"

"Yeah I'll get them, they're not heavy. Will you sort through this stuff" Anya smiled before heading back outside. She was surprised to be treated by a older man.

"Anya Jenkins?" The man knew her name which threw Anya a little.

"Yeah" Anya replied cautiously "Can I help you?"

"I know who you are" The man had a threatening tone in his voice.

"Oh I see" Anya inhaled deeply.


Bradley was helping Connor unpack inside the shop. He had started working for Anya and Connor a couple of years back and his help had proved invaluable "Hey man you might wanna head outside" Bradley drew Connors attention to the man who was stood outside interrogating his wife.

"Here we go again" Connor grinned as he headed out of the front of the shop.

"You don't belong here" The man spoke harshly.

"Is there a problem?" Connor's interruption made the man back down instantly. He was immediately dominated by Connor's size and build as he got closer.

"No, no problem" the man answered.

"With all due respect, I was actually asking my wife" Connor stood extremely close to Anya and looked down at her "You okay baby?"

"Yeah I'm fine" Anya nodded much to the man's relief "This man was just explaining a few things"

"Is that right?" Connor looked up at the man who nodded and took another step back.

"I don't think I have anything else to say" the man stumbled "Have a good day" He rushed off and got back into his car.

"What did he really want?" Connor frowned as he rested his hands on his wife's hips.

"The usual, he knows who I am, and that I don't belong here" Anya explained with a grin.

"Wow they're getting quicker at figuring out, you think they have some kind of speed dial" Connor joked. Anya hit him playfully.

"Its not funny, this was supposed to be our fresh start" Anya inhaled deeply.

"Hey look at me" Connor touched his wife's face tenderly "We'll do what we always do...we'll pack up our things and move again and again...and again" He chuckled when she did "That's better, my heart smiles when you do"


Anya looked out as she flicked small brush strokes on her canvas. She was painting the beautiful lake that came with the property. Connor stood and admired the view for a few moments...

It was the first time he had seen Anya painting in a while "What?" Anya grinned when she felt her husband watching her

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It was the first time he had seen Anya painting in a while "What?" Anya grinned when she felt her husband watching her.

"Its good to see you happy again" Connor walked up behind his wife and looked at the painting "That's amazing"

"Thanks" Anya continued to flick her brush against the page. She was painting the leaves on the trees "Hey did you and Bradley look up that Name Thomas James Murphy wasn't it?"

"Yeah we did..." Connor replied as he sat on the chair opposite Anya.

"And?" Anya wondered, she stopped painting for a moment.

"It wasn't a person, it's a place...a hospital...well more of a wing to be honest" Connor frowned "It was an asylum"

"Hmmm" Anya looked at him and smiled gently "I thought as much, did you find anything else?"

"Not really, Perhaps it's worth a look?" Connor's suggestion surprised Anya.

Suddenly the house phone began to ring "I'll get it" Connor headed back inside and returned with the phone in his hand "Its for you, it's the church"

"Hello" Anya was puzzled "That's right yes"

Connor listened as Anya spoke "Yes alright we'll be there in an hour"

"I thought we agreed no more"Connor frowned "Not for the church, after last time"

"No we agreed I wouldn't do it without you" Anya replied "I can't pick and chose who needs my help Connor"

"No I guess not, I'll get the car then shall I?" Connor realised Anya had made a valid point. She had never been able to control her gift, or who she helped.


Anya watched as a nervous woman poured both her and Connor some tea "So when did it start?" Anya asked and the woman smiled weakly.

"A few months ago, Natalie complained of hearing voices in the cellar at night" A blonde haired woman explained. She was only in her late twenty's however she had been worn by exhaustion.

"Can we take a look in the cellar?" As they moved Connor notices Anya hesitate. He kept quiet though, and then when they entered the cellar he felt her hand quickly take his, as though she had seen something awful.

The pair stood for a few moments, allowing Anya to take it all in. Her head bowed and she took some deep breaths in and out "You okay baby?" Connor asked when Anya leant against him. She swallowed hard and began to tremble, her eyes opened suddenly and she gasped "Baby?" Connor asked again.

"We have to help them, there's something in this house" Anya gripped Connor's arm to steady herself "An evil beyond explanation"

"I'll call Bradley" Connor said gently and Anya nodded.


Anya hadn't intended for this, but after her vision in the cellar she decided it was something she needed to do. Here she was sitting in the bathroom of the Kennedy's house, waiting...she was waiting for the line in a window to reveal whether or not her life was about to change.

"Anya" Connor knocked on the door. Anya stood up and opened the door, she was holding the test stick in her hand "Well?"

Anya couldn't speak, she just nodded "You serious?" Connor was thrilled. Anya still couldn't say anything she too was over the moon, she did manage to hand Connor the test "I can't believe it" Connor exclaimed and Anya looked at him "Sorry but this is amazing, we're gonna be parents"

"I know" Anya hugged Connor tightly. They had waited for this for so long. A baby to complete their family.

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