working overtime ↷ halloween special!

Start from the beginning

Time check, 23:31. It's almost midnight. Just great. Jihoon has 3 pages left.

"Okay, I just have to finish this quickly and leave. You got this, Jihoon." He whispers to himself. Jihoon types away heatedly, itching to go home when he hears the same exact knock that he heard just a few seconds ago.

Ignore it, Jihoon. Ignore!

Just as when he chose to ignore it, the knocks become steady and quick. Three, four, five knocks, fast. He turns his head around again. No one's there! At this point, he thinks of leaving because he's already scared. But Jihoon thought, I might meet the ghost face-to-face once I leave my cubicle! Looks like I'm sleeping here tonight. Is that even allowed? He leaves his chair and hides under his desk, hugging his knees before checking his phone.

He thinks of calling Mr. Choi. Scrolling past his contacts list, he realizes that he doesn't have Mr. Choi's number saved on his phone. How about Mingyu? I should call Mingyu. But it's not like he's gonna come back here to save me! He's already warned me. I should have followed him.

Knock, knock.

Fuck, there goes the knocking again. Nope. I'm not turning around. I swear if someone's just trying to play a trick on me– who turned the lights off?! Okay, they're back on again. What the hell's happening? Is this some kind of a yearly prank pulled off by our company? I'm working overtime and this is how you repay me?!

Jihoon's phone starts ringing, which startled the hell out of him. It's from an unknown caller. Really, now? He swipes the decline button and starts scrolling on his contacts list again just to heighten his frustration because he knows for sure he can't call anyone.

I should have listened to you. He sent Mingyu a message to release a little bit of tension.

After the message has been sent, Jihoon's phone starts ringing again from the same unknown caller. He contemplates if he should answer it. It could either be his savior... or his death.

Hopefully, it's Mr. Choi. The only person who could possibly save him right now.

"Please be Mr. Choi." Jihoon whispers to his phone before sliding the answer button.

"H-hello? Who's this?"

Bzzt, bzzt.

Only crackling sounds were heard from the other line. Am I in some kind of horror movie? Jihoon thinks.

"You dimwit. Tell me who you are! Stop trying to play pranks on me because I might faint anytime soon!"

Bzzt, bzzt.


"Wow, you did not just use a voice-changer."

"Yes, I did. Aww, is Jihoon scared now?"

The tiny voice speaking from the other line infuriates Jihoon. Although he was scared, he feels like all of this is just a prank. From his phone, he hears the sound of a ball bouncing harshly. When the bouncing stops, he accidentally sees through the glass walls of the office, there was a basketball was rolling on the hallway's floor.

With that, he drops the call. Jihoon hugs his knees close and closes his eyes. That's right, Jihoon. Wait for a miracle to happen. His phone rings again, but this time, it's a text message from the same foreign number.

"Why did you drop the call? :) Don't be scared. I'm only here to spice things up."

Spice things up? If that means scaring the fuck out of Jihoon then he'd undoubtedly drop the call, of course. The lights on the hallway start flickering fast before completely turning off abruptly.

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