the labyrinth

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''i heard a scream in the darkness''...

I grasp my friends hand and talk softly to her to comfort her...there's no reply.i shake her hand to wake her answer.I turn on my torch, but her heads not there.

I look frantically around and there's a little boy, no older than 5, holding an axe

.Hes covered in blood.As he lifts the axe again i start talking to him, like you would talk to a 5 year old ( not holding an axe about to kill you) he drops the axe, listing.

hes bruised and battered covered in blood and gore.his eyes are dark,dark black.he hasn't seen daylight in a while.

''whats your name?'' i ask him

he starts drawing something on the floor very fast. hes either done this a lot or is very soon as hes done i see the picture.A pair of angel wings.

''is your name angel'',i ask him

he smiles at me.

we start moving were in the labyrinth a big puzzle of mazes that keep moving around.he seemed to know his way around so i followed him.

suddenly he started running so i joined him. then there was a noise from behind, something big,it kept knocking off stuff.

we ran into a tiny tunnel just big enough for the both of us and i took out my sword. as soon as that thing stuck its head in, i stabbed it in the eye. it turned to dust.

''WHAT WAS THAT'', i screamed, absaloutly terrified.

'' that was a minotour'', angel said.

i stared at him. i didn't know he could talk. then he went on and on about how i was the daughter of the Greek god Athena and how i could do lots of cool things.

then he touched a button and the roof opened up.when we climbed out he brought me to a camp for kids of the Greek gods.

and thats how all my adventures begin. i tell you them all one by one. there all worth telling.

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⏰ Última atualização: Dec 27, 2012 ⏰

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