2 // R E A L

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Taking his time, Ethan wandered into the bathroom, showering and brushing his teeth in a still sleepy haze.  While wrestling on a hoodie, he poked his head into Grayson's room. Grayson was awake, as always, sitting at his piano.

"Up pretty early today, E," Grayson grinned.

"Mmph." Ethan grumbled. "Stupid appointment or something. Sleep much?"

"Just the usual amount."

Which was never much. Grayson seemed to be able to run on no sleep - Ethan had no idea how.

"Ethan!" Lisa called. "Come eat something, we're going soon!"

Ethan rolled his eyes. "You gonna come with?"

"Guess I've got nothing better to do."

"Cool." Ethan turned and walked out of Grayson's room, descending the stairs to his mother fussing around in the kitchen.

Ethan plonked himself on a stool and Lisa pushed a bowl of cornflakes in front of him. Pretty bland, but it didn't really matter. "So," Ethan asked, chewing. "Appointment?"

Lisa rummaged through her bag, producing a pair of sunglasses. "Yes, at the head trauma centre-"

"Again?" Ethan quirked an eyebrow.

"Just to double check Ethan, you-"

"Triple check," Grayson commented, having suddenly appeared behind his brother.

Lisa seemed to ignore the comment, still fussing about the kitchen. "What happened to you was very serious, Ethan, I just think it's important we make absolutely sure that you haven't suffered any serious brain trauma! You know, it might explain a few things-"

Ethan stiffened. "What things? And mom, it's been like six months now.."

Lisa stilled, eyeing Ethan with sudden intensity. "Yes, and things haven't quite gotten any better since the damned first month after the accident, have they?"

Ethan said nothing, more confused than anything else. Grayson shrugged, giving Ethan a half smile.


It was the same as the last two times. Ethan sat next to his mother in silence on the drive to the centre. Sat in front of a specialist and did as he was told; read, write, turn in a circle, touch his nose with his eyes closed, silly things. Then he stood in front of a machine that scanned him, beeping and whirling while people in white coats squinted at computer screens and then back at him, and then the screens again. All the while, his mother stood arms crossed, watching. Grayson seemed to have disappeared. Ethan couldn't blame him - it was all boring, and he'd already done it twice before. There was nothing wrong with him, they both knew that. 

Finally, Ethan was back sat across a desk from another specialist, who showed pages of graphs and text and black-and-white images to his mother. The pictures were of his brain, apparently. The specialists' droning voice faded away from Ethan as he stared out the office window, looking upwards at the trees outside...daydreaming..

"Mrs Dolan...told you before. No physical explanation for Ethan's behaviour...time...therapy..."

Ethan's mind was brought to reality when the seat next to him was thrust back violently. "No!" Came his mother's voice, angry and stormy. "My son is not crazy! He's not! He's mentally sound! He's just fine, and you're not telling me the truth! Tell me the truth. I'll call my husband!"

Soon after, Ethan was following his huffing mother as she stormed back to the car.

"It's my turn in the front." Came a voice from beside him. Grayson.

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