on to the games

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Every eye turns to me. I just did it. I clap my hand over my mouth. I don't regret it, I couldn't live with myself if I had let her go. Still, I can't believe I just said that. Rickey is gently pushed and she starts moving down the stairs, I feel hands pushing me towards the stage. We see each other's faces, both terrified and pale. Tears stream down her face as she wraps her arms around my neck.

"No Riley you can't-"

"I have to Rickey."

A peacekeepers pulls her off me and I stand in front of the audience.

"now what is your name sweety?"


"Well everyone give her a hand, Riley!"

There are no claps, there never is. I sit in a chair behind her as she makes her way towards the second glass bowl holding all of the boy's names. Another name sends chills down my spine as the name is called. No volunteers. Just him, and me, going to kill each other. The name called is James. There is only one James in our whole District. That is the James that Rickey has had a crush on since third grade. Great, I'm either going to die, kill my best friend's boyfriend or both.

"As you all know this is the one-hundredth hunger games! That means that there will be something special this year. As you all know our dear, dear president passed away from old age. So I shall be announcing the special twist of this hunger games. The title is a wish and a piece of paper. Each of the tributes will get one wish, and instead of sponsors giving gifts, you two will get a piece of paper, some may hold clues, some may hold the words of your family. I guess you'll just have to wait and see!"

We are carried, literally carried off by peacekeepers into the justice building. Everything is so clean and white and smooth and shiny and beautiful. I ramble on about everything in my head to keep from thinking about what my fate is.

"You have three minutes."

A peacekeeper says, pushing my family through the door.

I feel bad about it, but I ran to Rickey first. Even though my parents were first to come through the door, I bolt over to Rickey and hug her tightly. Neither of us can speak, we just hug until the peacekeepers come to take them away.


I shout at the peacekeepers

"I want to use my wish!"

The peacekeepers shrug

"We don't know the rules yet, but what is it?"

"I want them to all come with me, and be there until I go into the games."

"I'm not sure if-"

"Not just me, everyone. I want all of the tributes to take someone with them, to help them."

The magenta lady walks through the door.

"What's taking so long? You've already reached five minutes."

"Um, how does the whole wish thing work ma'am?"

"She can make her one wish at any time, before the games."

"She wished that, why don't you tell her?"

"I wish that every tribute has their family with them until the games start, training and everything."

"I suppose that is a reasonable wish, but I will only allow three people to join the tributes each."

I look over at the fourteen people looking back a me from the door. The two young girls have joined them.

"I pick..."

Its difficult for me to choose.

"You may take your parents and one other, no more no less."

Mom and dad walk over to me. I have two sisters of my own, and so many people that I love so dearly.


I say

No one is very surprised, I couldn't choose one sister without the other, or leave one girl to be left alone. Rickey comes over to me.

"Then you three get out and she can have her three minutes, then we must go."

I say my good-byes to everyone and they slowly leave out the door.

"Kassie, Tammy, I want you two to never go into the forest OK? I will make sure that my sisters take good care of you."

"Its OK Riley. We won't go into the forest until you get back."

I kiss them on the foreheads, and my three minutes are up as soon as I shout.

"I love you girls!"

And they are dragged out by peacekeepers.

Mom, dad and Rickey come inside.

"Will they-"

"Don't worry about a thing. Our neighbours will take care of your sisters and they will take care of the girls."

"What about-"

"Just relax Riley, OK?"

I nod

I am once again shoved by peacekeepers,but this time I feel Rickey's hand in mine. Here is the place where I am safe. I feel like as long as she holds my hand, no hunger games can hurt us. Nothing, at all, I feel invincible. We are put on a train, my family and James's family together. Then I realize how bad of an idea this whole thing is.

Here's the best idea in the world. Why don't I let my best friend spend time with her crush be fore I kill him?

I am placed in my cart, they bring in some cots for my family to sleep on. Then it occurs to me. What if the other tributes have families that are experienced fighters? What if I'm not helping myself at all? Why did I have to make that wish?

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