Manic Trouble/Echidna Evaluation

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Kaline's POV
"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "WHY ARe there cockroaches filling my room?............MANIC!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kaline marched up to Sonic and Manic's room door but. Suddenly she was raised up into the air .
Kaline's POV
"What is it Silver!" "What did he do? " He said not even looking at me,rude. "Cockroaches" I reply very impatiently "Go get him" Silver says dropping me."Where is he!" I scream gripping Sonic. "Hiding under the bed" he points to Manic's hiding place. "Worst. Brother. Ever " Manic grumbles as he crawls out. He stands up and receives a punch from yours truly. "Hey what was that for?" He whimpers rubbing his cheek. "That was for the cockroaches!" I deliver an uppercut " "That was for being so annoying!"I kick him in the stomach. "And that was just because I wanted to!" I enclosed his face with a bubble of water and made a reinforced by metal, earth, lava coated fist (In case you wondering if I didn't mention it earlier  Kaline it a waterbender and an earthbender). I reeled back my fist ready to give the final blow when, yet again, I was suspended in the air. "Enough Kaline."Silver says " Yah don't kill my brother" Sonic says rushing to his side. 

As Silver and Kaline squabble. Lol I am to lazy to think of what they are saying.

Sonic' s POV
"Dude I told you to stop pranking people. Especially Kaline, you almost got killed!"
"It's was a harmless prank." He replied. Just then every one except moi and Manic simultaneously scream:


"That's my cue" Manic says, quickly running away. I watch them outside everyone is about to pounce on Manic, but wait! Cream comes out and screams something. She walks over to Shadow hits him on the head with a newspaper and drags him by the ear inside. She comes out again, screams something at the others and points to the door. I open my window to hear what she is saying." Everyone inside! It's bad enough  I have to babysit my older brother, be a little more mature like Cheese!" She shouts accompanied by a rant from Cheese.

Everyone shuffles inside "And please Manic for your own safety no more pranks until April Fools... Or maybe Halloween but don't say of didn't warn you I. Hate. Halloween."

I laugh and laugh "Oh  you think it's funny" Cream says. "We will see who has the last laugh" and with that she and Manic walk inside.


???'s POV
I ran through the forest. In a black cloak. What was I looking for? Only I knew. I saw a rock I placed my hand on it. The rock dematerialised and I jumped in. Little did I know that I was being watched. The little room I landed in was full of pictures of my father. And there, right in the middle was his gravestone. I don't have his body so I couldn't bury him. "Oh father, why didn't you listen, why did you do it?" I cried😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😢😭😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😯😯😲😯😲😯🤔. I hear a grunt from some place I cannot view. I turn around startled . "Knuckles! What are you doing here?! How did you get here?! "I could ask you the same thing" he says slightly coughing and walking towards me. "Oh"  he says looking around " I didn't know I'm so so- " It s ok but it's kinda personal, so please,please ,please don't tell anyone!" He made a zipping motion on his lips with his hand ." My lips are sealed." He says coo- calmly. "Thank you so much!" I say- scratch that I practically scream! I hug him tightly probably squeezing all the air out of him. "S-sorry" I whisper looking downwards. I feel my cheeks heating up. He pauses for a second shocked and confused. I think he is blushing but it's hard to tell since he is red. "No prob" he says going back to his calm, cool attitude. Let's go home Tikal.

So you finally found out who the Echindna was hope you enjoyed. Also sorry I took such a long time to update but I had exams. But sadly my little snowflakes i didn't achieve more than the  words in the previous chapter.💩. We only have 734 words....?....... and there counting 7 as a word again. *facepalm* correction 745 words . Ugh. By the way you would know I call you my little snowflakes if you read my first book. "The Legend Of the Ninja"  Read it if you haven't real good book for all you Ninjago fans! I also have other authors to reccomend:      @ and some others later
Alright the now the finally word count is, wait,

Any second now,

Very soon,

Please don't close this book,

820 w-

Ugh. 822. The end. Sorry 825😙. Come on since when was an emoji a word! Ugh!!? What the what? Ok last time the word count is, 836. Finally! I am free!

I just realise what I did

I am sad


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