Stiles frowned before rolling his eyes.
"Did you guys seriously compell me here?"

"You wouldn't come on your own." Stefan shrugged handing him back his necklace.

Stiles snatched the jewelry from Stefan.
"Well I'm here...what now?" Stiles threw his hands up.

"I think you should sit down." Damon lead Stiles to the couch.

" remember how Derek died?" Damon asked gently.

Stiles frowned nodding.

"Well he-"

"Wait." Lydia standingin front of Stiles and Damon.

"Stiles, Derek meant a lot to you right?" Lydia asked.

"Of course." Stiles touched the triskele symbol that was back around his neck.

"If you could talk to him again, one last time. What would you say?" Lydia asked.

Damon frowned at the redhead but didn't say anything.

"I'd tell him I'm sorry." Stiles sighed.

"What else?" Lydia pressed.

"That I missed him."

"And?" Lydia urged Stiles to continue.

"I'd ask him why he left." Stiles frowned down at his hands.

"What if we told you you could talk him, see him even, one last time." Lydia put a hand on Stiles' arm.

"H-how?" Stiles asked looking up.

"Lydia?" Damon frowned.

"Go get Bonnie. We do it now." Lydia said shooting Damon a look.

He nodded at Stefan who disappeared into the kitchen.

"Bonnie?" Stiles asked turning to Damon.

"She can reach him from the other side so you can talk to him for a moment." Damon explained.

"Lydia, you're up." Stefan said poking his head in.

Damon reached for Stiles hand gripping it tightly.

"Damon..." Stiles sighed quietly.

Damon frowned and was about to pull his hand away when Stiles gripped it.

"I'm sorry about Klaus. I-"

"Stiles, don't. It's okay." Derek gave him a small smile.

"Stiles." Stefan spoke walking in.
"They're out back."

Stiles nodded before making his way through the kitchen and out back.

Lydia placed a gentle hand on Stiles' shoulder as she wiped a stray tear.

Stiles walked towards Bonnie only to see Derek standing next to where she was knelt.

"Derek." Stiles whispered.

Derek smiled. "Hey Stiles."

"I'm so sorry, Derek, I never meant for you to get hurt, I-"

"Stiles, don't you dare apologize. You didn't do anything wrong. I'm with my family. I'm happy." Derek spoke gently something he didn't do often.

"I miss you, Der." Stiles wiped a tear that had snuck down his cheek.

"I miss you too."

"Why did you leave Beacon Hills?" Stiles asked another tear escaping.

"Scott and I saw things differently. He said I was influencing you and I was the reason you were possessed by the nogitsune." Derek explained.

"You left because if him?" Stiles asked surprised.

"I never wanted to leave you or Lydia but...he made me believe you were safer without me and that he could protect you. When I found out you left, I came to find you to make sure you were okay." Derek smiled sadly.

"I ran into Cora and Jackson. They had heard about the hybrids here know the rest."

Stiles nodded.

"Lydia said you're leaving again." Derek spoke again.

"I have to. It's safer. I got you killed, I almost got Damon killed..." Stiles wiped furiously at the tears.

"Damon, you care for him." Derek said almost as a question.

Stiles nodded.

"And he for you?"

Stiles nodded again.

"Then you shouldn't leave. You were not the reason I died. That's on me and a little bit Cora." Derek chuckled.

"But chaos follows me, I still have it in me Derek, I can't escape it." Stiles was crying harder.

Derek reached for Stiles cheek but Stiles couldn't feel him.

"You don't have it in you anymore. Things happen in the supernatural world, there is never any escaping that. You're just afraid to lose anyone else but running only creates more people for you to be afraid of losing. You defeated the nogitsune. You made that Devine move, Stiles. You are a good person. Hell you saved my life so many times, and Lydia and Issacs. Stiles you do what you think is best and you always figure it out. Without you Scott wouldn't have made it. He would have ended up with Peter. You don't have chaos in you, the world is just a chaotic place. You deserve to be happy, Stiles and this place makes you happy. These people make you happy. Don't run away from it. Stay and fight for it."

Stiles sniffed wiping away more tears.

"Promise me you'll stay. Promise me you'll fight for what makes you happy. And promise me you won't blame yourself for anybody's death. None of it was your fault."

Stiles nodded.

"Promise me, Stiles." Derek said in his familiar gentle but alpha tone.

"I promise." Stiles sniffed.

"Our time is up. I have to go." Derek said in a quiet tone.

"Thank you, Derek." Stiles gave a sad smile.

"I love you Stiles, and Lydia. Tell Damon to take care of you or I'll haunt his ass." Derek smiled.

Stiles nodded. "We love you too, Der."

Derek faded leaving Stiles alone. He sunk to his knees as he cried.

Bonnie reached for Stiles touching him gently.

"Thank you." Stiles said looking up at the witch.

"Of course. Here, this belonged to Derek. Lydia brought it so I could do the spell." Bonnie handed Stiles a book called 'The Beast of Gevaudan'.

Stiles smiled to himself as he took the book. He remembered watching Derek read it on nights he would stay in Stiles' room to keep an eye on him while the alphas were in town. He held it close as he continued to cry.

Here you are, hope you liked it. 😊

A Pain That I'm Used To (Stamon) (Kliles)Where stories live. Discover now