"Stay here baby" he said sweetly.

She began to cry.

"Awww Jos, don't you wanna stay with Aunt KyKy?" Kyra chuckled, picking her up.

She proceeded to scream and cry.

"Go go go, if I don't leave now we'll never hear the end of it" Grayson pushed me out of the door.

You'd think someone was torturing the child as we could still hear her screaming outside. 

"She's such a daddy's girl" Grayson laughed, stepping up into the truck.

"Yeah Caroline was the same way" I smiled, buckling up.

Grayson got noticeably sad.

"I miss the kid" he said, his eyes starting to swell with tears.

"Me too bro" I took a deep breath.

"How've you been holding up?" he asked. 

"I mean, it's only been 4 months so obviously the pain is still there, but time heals everything, and I'm definitely getting better" I explained to him. 

"Good, and hows therapy going?" he asked.

"Eh, I don't know, I think I'm gonna call it quits soon, it honestly just makes me more sad" I was truthful with him.

"I understand that, you do whatever you feel is right dude, just know I'll support you no matter what" he told me.

"Thanks man" I smiled. 


We showed up to her apartment complex. I took a deep breath, all the possibilities running through my mind at 100 miles a minute. I knew Rachel was into drugs, and we all know what drugs could do to someone. I didn't want to have to face that. 

"Which one is it?" Grayson asked, climbing the stairs. 

"The paper she left with Teagan said 2B" I told him, scanning the doors for the number. 

"Up here" Grayson said from the staircase above me.

I hustled up.

"You knock I'm too scared"

"No you" we argued like 5 years old. 

"Fine I'll do it" I said, knocking not the door. 

No answer.

We knocked 5 more times.

Still no answer.

"I'm getting the feeling she might not be home smart one" Grayson patted me on the back.

I knocked once more.

"Is everything ok out here?" an old lady came out from her apartment across the hall. 

"Have you seen Rachel?" I asked.

"Last I saw her she was taking little Teagan to some man's house to watch her for the weekend" she explained. 

"Yes, I'm that man" I told her.

"You're sure you haven't seen her since?" Grayson asked.

"I mean I wasn't really paying attention sweetheart" she said.

Grayson sighed. The old woman thought for a second.

"There's a key in the mailbox, her passcode is 4088, thank me later" the old lady smiled and closed her door.

Grayson and I looked at each other.

"Go" he pushed me.

I ran back to the bottom of the stairwell where the mailboxes were. I quickly typed in the passcode and to my surprise, it actually worked. There was a small gold key taped to the inside of it. I grabbed it and ran back to Grayson. 

"Gimme" he grabbed it from my hands and shoved it in the lock. 

We were in. 

"Rachel, its just the twins" I said as we stepped in.

No response. 

"I'll get the bedrooms, you check in here, the bathroom, and the kitchen" Grayson told me.

I nodded and proceeded to do so. 

As I searched through the living room, I found a framed picture that made me smile. It was of me, Grayson, and Teagan on a slide at a park when she was only 2. I was reminiscing as soon as I heard Grayson. 

"Ethan get Kyra on the phone now" he said in a panicky tone...

i'm about to just upload the rest of the story tonight because i have it written, but its A LOT so idk what to do ~Becca

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