He grinned as Willa smiled and intertwined his pinky with her. It was something she and Olyvar used to do, but now it was her thing with Robb. He placed a gentle kiss on her pinky and stood up, extending his hand to Willa, so he could help her up.

She accepted and Robb couldn't help but noticed how small and soft her hands were. They had held hands plenty of times before, but every time, he couldn't help but to amazed how perfectly their hands seemed to fit.

"So, I was thinking," Robb playfully groaned.

"That's never good," he teased. Willa slapped his shoulder, but Robb just chuckled.

"Like I was saying, I was thinking we should do something special for Arya. Septa Mordane has been unbelievably hard on her these past few days," Robb thought about Willa's suggestion.

"What should we do for Arya?"

Willa smirked, untangling her fingers from Robb, "We are going to sneak her out one night and you're going to teach her archery," Willa's face was practically glowing with excitement and nowhere in Robb's heart could he say no to her.

"Very well, but if we get caught, it was your idea, not mine," Robb told her, causing Willa to squeal in excitement and throw her arms around Robb's neck.

"Thank you! Arya is going to be so happy!" Willa said into his neck. He brought his arms around Willa's waist and held her close. They stayed like that for a moment, since Robb nor Willa made any attempt to move out of the embrace.

After what felt like hours, Robb pulled away and held his arm out for Willa. They would be nearing the rest of the population of Winterfell, and Robb wanted to properly escort Willa to the Great Hall, but almost everyone knew that Willa and Robb were to be wed someday, they just didn't know when.

When they entered the Great Hall, Eddard Stark and Catelyn Stark lifted their heads and greeted the teens with smiles, but the smiles seemed force. They were worried of the contents of the letter as well. Willa and Robb took seats beside one another and waited for the Warden of the North to break the seal.

"No matter what the letter says, Winterfell will always be your home," Ned told Willa. Willa smiled at him and reached beneath the table to take Robb's hand within her own, squeezing tight.

Ned broke the seal and began to read the letter aloud, "Dear Willa, it is my great pleasure to tell you that there has been talk of your betrothal to Prince Joffrey, the firstborn son of Robert Baratheon and Cersei Lannister."

Robb felt as Willa squeezed his hand tightly. He heard his mother sigh from beside him. Everyone remained silent as Ned handed the letter to his wife and allowed her to read over it.

"Well at least he didn't ask me to return home," Willa attempted to joke weakly. Robb shook his head angrily.

"No, what he did was far worse. He offered your hand in marriage to someone without your consent," Robb growled.

"Calm down," Catelyn scolded her son, "There is talk of a betrothal, there isn't one yet. Lucky for Willa, there are many families wishing to give their daughters to the Prince."

"Willa and I should be wed soon. The longer we wait, the bigger chance she has of becoming the next Queen of the Seven Kingdoms," Robb voiced, squeezing Willa's hand. Silently beside him, Willa nodded in agreement.

Eddard sighed, "Give me a little more time. The two of you will be wed we just have to sort things out."

"Time is running out," Catelyn mutters, "Willa is of age to wed."

Robb looked over to Willa. She was glancing down at their hands, playing with his fingers. She was scared.

"May Willa and I be excused?" Robb asked. Catelyn looked at her son, whose eyes drifted to Willa and back to her. Catelyn nodded almost immediately.

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