What am I gonna do?

Start from the beginning

Putting his arms on her upper arms, he pulled her onto his lap, turning her so her head could fall on his shoulder. 'I'm sorry, Babe. I should have known it was too much. But every time I would wake up and realize you were next to me, I wanted you all over again. Truly, I wasted so many years that I should have spent with you.'

'You didn't have to make up for all of them in one night!' Sofia countered. I wish I could stick out my lip and pout, but I'm too old for that nonsense.

'I wish I could say I'm sorry, Babe, but I'd be lyin',' Prince replied. 'Didn't you know this could be the result of all that good lovin'?'

'Why would I know that?' Sofia countered, still ticked. I am starting to feel better. He knows too much.

'Don't you talk to your girlfriends?'

Sheepishly Sofia replied, 'I thought they were exaggerating. I sure was wrong about that!'

Prince belly laughed, holding her close. 'Oh, Lawd, woman!' Using a scarlet washcloth, he murmured, 'Close your eyes,' and gently washed her face, ridding her of the night's leftover mascara. Picking up a sea sponge, he dunked it in the tub to wet it, then added a liberal amount of delicious smelling bath gel. One limb at a time, he gently washed Sofia all over, using a level of care she wasn't expecting, given his voracious appetite of the night before.

When he finished, she reached for the sponge to return the favor. He held it out of reach, saying, 'Another time. Today is about healing you.' He placed her beside him in the tub, and took care of cleaning himself quickly.

As he was about to squeeze the water from the sponge, ending their bath time, they heard the sound of nails clicking on the floor, and suddenly the kitten jumped onto the side of the tub.

Prince comically used his arm and leg to cover himself, saying mockingly, 'She shouldn't see me naked!' Sofia laughed out loud.

The kitten, seeing the water move, leaned closer. Getting close enough to touch, it carefully stretched out a paw. When the feel of water registered, it leaped off the tub and scampered out of the bathroom as quickly as possible, making Sofia giggle.

'The water's getting cold. Let's get out and get some breakfast. I'm hungry.'

'You're hungry?' Sofia's mouth dropped open in shock.

'Babe, I worked hard last night. Worked you hard, too.' She wanted to slap the smug look off his face, but it was kind of adorable. She could see a proud little boy peeking through his suave facade.

'So what are we having? Captain Crunch and soy milk?' she smirked right back.

'I'll have you know I can cook a couple of things. Let's get dried off and dressed.'

He quickly exited the tub, dried himself, and put on his robe. Walking back to the tub with a bath sheet, he said, 'Try to stand, babe. If you're still too sore, you'll get breakfast in bed.'

'I'll be okay,' she replied, standing gingerly. There's no way I'm getting back in a bed with you for hours! Moving to the edge of the tub, she took his hand and stepped into the cushy towel. 'Mmm. Nice towel,' she remarked.

'Thanks.' Finishing toweling her off, he opened a tub of creamy lotion, smoothing it onto her arms and legs. 'You take care of the rest, and meet me downstairs. I'm gonna get ready and get cooking.'

Do you have any facial moisturizer? I didn't plan on staying overnight.'

'First drawer on the left,' he called back over his shoulder.

She opened the drawer and giggled. His extensive collection of face products put her few drugstore items to shame. 'Hmm, what have I always wanted to try?' Picking up a container of face cream that she knew cost over $200 and smoothing it on her grateful face, she looked in the mirror and froze.

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