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"Michelle." I stayed under the covers as he softly said my name. His boots sounding off the floor let me know how close he was to me. A hand touched my foot. I pulled it closer to me. I then felt a hand on my back. It rubbed it for a little bit before it was removed. The covers were pulled back. "Is he still being mean?" He asked. I rolled over. "Michelle. Could you tell me how many times in the past week he's called you?" He asked.

"Nightly." I answered. My phone started ringing. Tears started welling up. "Don't pick it up. He's not worth it. If he truly loved you he would have been nice and cared instead of saying all of those mean things. Your none of them. I know your none of the things he's came up with. Your the complete opposite of them. You may be a beautiful woman, but your nothing bad." He said. "He's going to hunt me down for not answering." I said.

"I'll deal with him. You don't worry. I'll make sure your out of his harm while I'm around. And I'll be with you all summer long." He said. I looked up at him. "I'm traveling with you all summer long and practicing for Tulsa at several rodeos." He said. He kissed my temple and cheek before there was a knock at the door. "Stay put." He said before going to answer the door.

"No sir I don't know her. No. This is my truck and trailer. I don't care. Your not coming in. You have one second to leave before I call security." He said. I couldn't hear who it was. He closed the door and came back up. "Don't worry bout him. Next time you see him and your in public. Dump him. You don't deserve a guy like that." He said laying down next to me. I let him pull me to him. He got under the covers holding me close. I loved the way his jean clad legs felt against my bare ones.

His had slipped down to my thigh. "Wha?" He removed the covers and looked down at my gauze covered thigh. "What did you do?" He asked. I buried my head in his neck. "Michelle. What did you do to your thigh?" He asked. I didn't move. He laid me on my back before unwrapping it. "Have you been cutting?" He asked. I didn't answer. "Where's the razor blade?" He asked sternly.

He rewrapped my thigh and got up. I watched as he got up and went through the drawers until he found what he was looking for. "Not anymore. If I catch you with a sharp object and you appear to try and cut yourself I will take it away and you will be banned from using them until you can understand not to." He said before sticking it up high in the cabinet I can't really reach.

He then came back to the bed and laid down next to me. "I don't want you to be doing this." He said holding me against him. I could feel tears threatening to fall. "Hey. Don't cry. I want what's best for you." He said softly. He wiped the tears away. Then kissed me. He rolled onto his back letting me lay on top of him. I curled up to him, him holding me tightly against him.

He rubbed my back as I gripped his shirt slightly. The one place I want to dump that guy is in front of mostly the guys so he can't really do anything to me.


I woke up to RJ's calm breathing. I sat up lifting my head off his chest. He didn't move. I got up off the bed and looked around. Then got up and found clothes for the day. I unwrapped my thigh seeing the cuts were already scanning over. I put vet wrap on it and pulled my jeans on. "No. Shorts." The turned around seeing RJ. "I want you to wear shorts today so you don't have to do anything to that thigh." He said. I tucked my shirt in before fastening my jeans and belt before going outside.

I gave my horses water and hay before leading them once around the ring and back. I brushed them both out before letting them continue eating. I then came face to face with someone I didn't want to. "Look at who's been lying and ignoring me." I was backed up against the trailer. "So you've been cheating on me with that cowboy. That's low. Even for you." He said.

"I'd watch out. You may get him hurt while I'm around. I might as well drag you back home and keep you locked up there for safe keeping." "Get away from her." Gage yelled. "Why? She's my girlfriend. I'm aloud to talk to her." He said. RJ appeared next to him with a few other guys. "No. You have no more rights to be anywhere near her." Gage yelled back. I caught RJ's look. He's letting me know it's alright to do it now.

I looked up at him as he and my cousin argued. A few other guys came up from the other side of the trailer. He's surrounded and I'm stuck in the middle of it all. I watched as he got a little farther away from me. When he was far enough away I said it. His head jerked towards me. "What did you just say?" He asked. "I'm done with how your treating me." I said. "You better take that back." He growled.

"Or what? If you do anything to her there's over ten men here that would be glad to whoop you." RJ yelled. He grabbed me before throwing me away from the side of the trailer. They closed in easily. "It's you isn't it? You've been putting the idea in her head to ditch me for you." He spat. "I wanted her to be done with you." Andrew Lockwood said stepping up. A chorus of 'same here' and 'me too' rang among them.

"You lay a hand on her, it will be your funeral." Gage told him. He chuckled before looking around the circle. "I will be back for her. You don't know what you got into when you got in the middle of this." He yelled before leaving. Two arms picked me up. "You alright?" RJ asked. I nodded. "Don't worry bout him anymore. If he tries to do anything I'll be the one to intervene." He said holding me against him.

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