Chapter 2.

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( 10 hours before that)

 " dad I'm heading to the club" I shout 

"Okay be careful" my dad shouted back

I tighten my laces on my brown leather boots. And walk out the door. Then stupid Brandon walks by.

"Oh hey rainbows enjoy the sun" he yelled

"Hope you enjoy your fall" I yell back.

"What?" He said then fell into a pothole . I walk away pull out my skates put my boots in my bag and saketed away. I stopped at the club to see cen.

"Hey cen" I said waving 

 He was scratched across the face "I lost my job" he says with a voice crack " and my house"

" hey hey" I said "it's okay how bout we go on a run" he nodded I set my bag down change into my wolf form.

His wolf was a nice white like most of alpha Richards clan. We start our run through the woods. It was like about two minutes later when I smelled it a wolf 'what is that' my wolf said 'I don't know' i said back ' let's go see' my wolf says ' no it's to riskey' I said. 

" em" cen yelled " turn back" I tried to turn back but I bumped right into George.

"Hello little one" he says "meet me at the club tonight"

I nod. George has been causing my family trouble he killed my grandpa and I have been planning t kill him as revenge. But tonight was the night it was all going to happen.

"Cen I think my mate is near by" I tell cen after George left.

"Really are you going to search" he asks

" no" I said "it's to risky."

" ohhhh" he said "why not"

I look at him and laugh "i better get heading back" I grab my bag and skate back home.


(The present)

The glass shatered I run down stairs "cen" I yell. I finally get down the stairs no glass and no cen.'what just happened ' my wolf asks 'I don't know' I say back. 

I turn around and my mind link my mom ' mom I had cen stay down staries where the glass broke because he lost his house but he's missing and no glass is broken.' 'Okay' she said


We have looked all over are territory's no prison breaks no rouges an no cen. 

I went to bed last night and when I walked into my room my window was wide open...

I look everywhere to see if something was stolen and in the Corner of my eye a note. 

Come to me at the rouges territory and I will give you everything you've ever wanted only if you become mine.........

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