Wait waaat

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I wake up with splitting headache so I call adym up to get me some advile
M-come here for a sec
He walks in the room and asks what's wrong
A-you okay
M-yeah just a headache could you get m some advile
A-sure bby
He walks out hen when he comes back in he gives me a kiss on he forehead with the advile and a glass of water I took the pills then lay down
A-I'll be in my room if you need me
When he leaves it gets kinda boring because I'm just laying in my bed doing nothing and I can't even call out to adym because it'll make my head hurt even more so I go on my phone and text him instead
M-hey bby it's kinda boring w/o you here
A-haha I can't be that fun can I
M-can u put a movie in for me
A-sure be there in a minute
M-haha hurry up
A-I'm still on the first step
M-then more walking less texting
He finally comes to my room but instead of just talking and making me feel better he has a pot full of water and throws it on me
He runs out of the room and just for that moment I forget about my headache and chase him throwing things at him along the way he runs outside but as soon as the door opens and the light comes shining at me only then I realized how bad my head actually hurt I turn to go sit in the couch but black out and that's all I remember and I'm guessing I fainted because I woke up in the hospital
-at the hospital-
I wake up with a light shining right in my eyes I turn and see adym looking at me
A-finally your awake
M-what happened
A-you fainted and gave me a heart attach
M-then shouldn't you be the one in this bed
A-they said I was fine
M-why'd I faint anyway
A-ummm you uh have short term brain damage and your gonna forget this conversation by tomorrow
A-Just kidding
M-your a dick,but being serious why'd I faint
Then the doctor walks in sits down next to me in the bed and asks when was the last time I had my period
M-I don't really record it, it just happens
The doctor than says that there's a chance that I'm pregnant I turn to adym and I can tell he's stressed I turn back to the doctor and say
M-there must be some mistake
D-it's not confirmed but the samples have shown positive for pregnant, if we're gonna confirm it we need an ultra sound but that's up to you I ask her to give me some time so she leaves it's so awkward between me and adym until he speaks and says
A-I love you and I'm gonna be here for you and our baby if you're r pregnant
M-I love you too baby so much
We kiss then the doctor walks back in and asks for an answer I say yes turns out I'm not pregnant it was all a mix up but look at the bright side Adam said he loves me and I couldn't be happier and if I was pregnant it wouldn't change anything at least that's what he says

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