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He decidido hacer el especial sobre frases en inglés. Gracias a todos los que me han escrito por privado para darme ideas. 

1- How terrible it is to love something that the death can touch.

2-Darling I'm a Nightmare dressed like a Daydream.

3- I'm the architect of my own destruction.

4- A goal without  plan is just a wish.

5- Everyone promises forever until they find someone better.

6- Fake people don't surprise me more,  loyal people do.

7- We all eat lies when our hearts are hunger.

8- Actions always prove why words mean nothing.

9- Beuty begins the moment yo decide to be yourself.

10-I spend  a lot of time with the door of the refrigerator open looking for answers.

11- Don't confuse my personality with my attitude.  My personality is who I'm . My attitude depends of who you are.

12- The more you care The more you have to lose.

13- You don't need water to feel you' re drowning.

14- Hurt me with the truth but never comfort me with a lie.

15- Someone who isn't afraid of death is the most dangerous person alive.

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