Chapter One

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It was a normal night for me. I was yearning for the supernatural to find me and take me away. I know what life is and I don't want to live it normal. I have nothing to lose now, from my parents being dead and having an abusive elder brother and a bratty younger sister. My brother was the attention of the family; everyone loved him, even me. Now that our parents are gone, he misses the attention and hurts me with harsh words like it was my fault. My younger sister was never bratty before, she is only bratty now because she thinks Mom gave her a secret message in her dreams to put her in charge of us. My brother and I knew it was a big lie, but he disagreed with me to have a reason to yell at me. I have my ways too, which is obsessed over the supernatural. I was surfing the internet once, when my parents were alive, and I came across "horror" stories. They were not exactly horror, they were bizarre and creepy; they had videos to go along with these stories, which pretty much ruined me. It took over my brain and I was soon obsessed. I loved them! They might have kept me up at night for a week, but it was worth it. I sometimes sit down and write some of my own, but there not as great, or there a complete copy of another. I soon got into the habit of thinking about them all the time. Then, my parents died of murder. It's an unsolved case which excites me. I know that sounds horrible to say, but it's true. After the case was purposed unsolved, I was ready to give my life to these unnatural beings, I wanted in. My brother, Baine, went through my stories when I was at school once and grounded me from my laptop for just about five months. He dropped out of school and he thinks he can go through my stuff. It was funny to see my brother's serious face, trying to ground me from something. I laughed and grabbed at it, but he pulled it away. I ditched school for most of the time without my laptop, and I would imagine me hanging with the Pastas. I wanted to go into the woods so many times, but something held me back and I don't know what. When I got my laptop back, I was searching all my sites and checking for new stories. I was lucky and had about 100+ to read. I was ready to hear those new Pastas. Tomorrow I was planning to go into the woods. Maybe.

I was "eating" the half raw chicken my bratty sister, Gail, made. I was dazing off staring at the wall.

 "Aspin! Eat your food!" Gail called in a bratty tone, snapping me half out of my daze. She was staring at me with her arms crossed and foot tapping.

 "I can't Gail! It's raw, see?" I cut open the chicken and revealed the pink inside. She stared at it for a minute then looked back at me with her angry-mom look.

 "Fine. You are not getting anything else to eat, you hear?" Gail took the plate and slid the chicken into the trash. "It's sad that you waste food and there are people starving." She sarcastically signed and put the dish next to the sign that reads: "Put dishes into dish washer!" She was to dumb for a twelve year old. I looked at her angry. I was the one who put the dishes away because she was a lazy bum. She sat around getting fat and always complained of how tired she was from "being a young mother," when all she does is scold when something was not done her way, something that our Mom rarely did to us.

 "Are you dumb? Can you not read?" I said leaning forward in my chair. She stared at me with a blank expression for a minute thinking of something smart to say. She finally smirked like she had the most intelligent answer to my question.

 "It's your plate, you can put it away." She said like it was common sense. She then washed her hands with out drying them.

 "If you were a real mom, you would be nice." I said looking away. I didn't need her annoying voice and face to stress me out tonight. She walked past me and flung her wet hands at me, getting me wet. I stood up and she blotted, I was running after her. She was going to get it now; Baine can't stop me this time. I am done with this broken group people call family. I'm going to leave and live in the woods. I don't have a reason to not go tonight.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2015 ⏰

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