Chapter One

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"Sam, why are you so mean?" 

My best friend Clara shoved me playfully and I grinned. 

"You know it's true," I laughed, and we stumbled into Starbucks, attracting glances from customers as we walked drunkenly, giggling. 

"Excuse me, are you drunk?" A woman holding two shy children by her side asked us, and I shook my head. 

"I'm not drunk, but she is," I nodded at Clara, still snickering, and she bopped her head, confirming it. 

"It's true," Clara said, and the woman's eyes widened, and the woman took a step back,taking her children with her. 

"Girls, its 9 AM," she said cautiously, and I laughed again. 

"No worries, ma'am, I was just kidding. We are normally insane," I said to the even wider  eyed lady, walking away, as I grabbed Clara's hand and dragged her over to the cashier, cackling. 

As we walked to the cashier, Clara was joking around and I turned around to look at her, still walking, but backwards now, talking to her, and my back collided with someone's chest. 

I heard the unsatisfying sound of a Starbucks cup hitting the floor, the sound of ice clunking on the polished floor, the splat of the drink, and the groan of the employee who had just finished cleaning the place a minute ago. 

I whirled around to see a tall boy, with brown hair and stunning blue eyes, about my age, looking down at his black shirt dripping with his spilled drink.

"Oh, god, I am so sorry," I said, immediately dropping a giggling Clara's hand and rushing over to grab napkins to mop up his shirt. 

"No, no, it's okay," he smiled toothily, and my heart melted from seeing his adorable smile. 

"No, no, oh, gosh, no, I have to clean this up and pay for your drink! Hold on," I exclaimed, fishing out my wallet and trying to find a twenty dollar bill. He tried to stop me, but I avoided him. 

"Uh, excuse me!" I attempted to make my way over to the cashier, but he blocked me. 

"No, it's okay. My best friends over there are gonna laugh at me everyday for a month if I let you pay," he pointed toward a table with 4 boys intensely watching us. A curly headed boy and a blond haired one were trying to stifle their laughs. 

"Oh," I said, trying not to hear my own best friend laugh. 

"Yeah," he said, seeing the look on my face. Then his face brightened up, his eyes flashing with amusement. 

"Why don't you sit with us? We can chat for a while," he asked, and I could see three empty seats, one was this boy's, and two were just conveniently open. A tall, brown haired guy at the table nodded, almost as if he were approving us. 

I nodded. "Sure, I'm down," I said, and turned to Clara, but she was already gone, standing at the table, talking  with a rosy- cheeked boy, laughing. 

"SAM! THESE GUYS ARE HOT!" She shouted at me, seeing me look at her, and the curly haired one and the blond haired one lost it and started laughing. Everyone else in the restaurant  looked at us curiously,  and I could feel my face getting really warm, then facepalming myself, aware of a snickering boy next to me. 

"Ha, that's great to know, Clara, now shut up!" I whisper yelled at her as the boy and I made our way to the table, the one who nodded at us quickly hurrying over to dry the guy next to me's shirt. 

We sat down at the table and the they all grinned at Clara and I. 

"My name is Daniel," the boy who I bumped into said, smiling, and I noticed for the first time, a super adorable tooth gap in his mouth. I giggled, and he laughed, knowing what I noticed. 

Dangerously// Daniel SeaveyWhere stories live. Discover now