Chapter 6: Love and Broken Hearts

Start from the beginning

Simba then watched his son run off towards the guard. He sighed. "Oh, young love, it's taken over him, my son's growing up." Said Simba       
slightly sad, but for the most part, pleased. 

Kion then ran back to Fuli giving back the exciting news.

"Fuli! Fuli! guess what!" Yipped Kion jumping with joy.

"What? did everything go okay Kion?" Asked Fuli confused of what her lion friend had to say.

"More than okay! Fuli, he said we can be together!" Squealed Kion smiling widely at her.

"Wait, really!?" Questioned Fuli surprised.

"Yes!" Replied Kion  still full with excitement.

"Oh... that's great! I'm so happy Kion!" Exclaimed Fuli.

Kion ran in to nuzzle her and gave her a lick on the muzzle. Fuli nuzzled him back. The two smiled at each other. Kion was blushing as red as his mane.


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"Hahahaha..... you're blushing Fuli." Kion laughed nervously.

"What are you talking about Kion? I don't blush." Lied Fuli.

"You're just denying it." Kion laughed shaking his head.

"Fine..... maybe I was okay? But you were too... I mean you were blushing as bright as that mane up there!" Fuli giggled, patting her paw on top of the tuft of red on top of his head.

"Okay well we both were then." He smirked.

Now Kion and Fuli knew they had to break the news somehow to the rest of the guard, but what would they do?

"But Kion, what about Beshte, and Bunga, and Ono? how will we tell them?" Asked Fuli her eyes growing with worry.

"Don't worry, leave that to me we can tell them there's nothing to be scared about." Replied Kion brushing Fuli's side with his paw affectionately.

"But, can't we just keep at a secret? I mean I don't think I'm ready to tell them yet...." Said Fuli with doubt.

"Fuli, it'll be fine I promise we don't need to hide it from them, that'll only make things worse besides, they're our best friends." Reassured Kion their paws were now touching.

"Well fine.... but uh Kion what are you doing?" Asked Fuli, glancing down to see his paw grasping hers.

Kion looked up at her with a smirk and Fuli immediately knew what he was thinking. He then replied meeting her gaze.

Unexpecting Love A Kion/Fuli FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now