"I know," Hilary replied squealing, "just imagine their babies? They'll be so cute. I want my grand kids very soon Kelly." She wiggled her brows knowingly.

I looked down, embarrassed. Someone get me out of here. Please ground, open up and swallow me! "I-I...it's_"

"Can you two stop teasing my fiancé?" An amused voice said behind the two bullies.

I looked up to see Max in front of me staring down at me adoringly. He wore one of his dark suits and he looks like the powerful intimidating CEO he was. His eyes left mine and trailed down to my dress. That's when it hit me, the groom is not supposed to see the bride's wedding dress. It's bad luck. Yes, I believe

Panicked, I put my hand over his eyes preventing him from further dooming our wedding. Why, I don't know.
In doing so, I found myself pressed against his body. I tried to pull away but the sneaky guy had his arm around my waist.

Max chuckled and brought a hand up to where mine was covering his eyes. "Why don't you want me to see you?"

"B-because it brings bad luck when the groom sees the bride's dress before the wedding." I stuttered and he just chuckled sexily. Okay, why does he have to be so...hot.

"Okay," he said uncertain, "what if I told you that I don't believe in those...myths?" He asked cocking his head.

"Well, I do." I replied irritated that he didn't care about that.

He removed my hand even with my protests. "I just want to see my beautiful fiancé in her enchanting wedding dress." He said softly with his signature smirk.

He held both my hands and brought them up to his lips kissing both of them. He let them go and held my face staring deeply in my eyes. "You're beautiful." I laughed not really believing him. "Okay, am going to have to convince you." Then he kissed me in front of his mother and best friend but as soon as his lips touched mine, I threw the embarrassment out the window.

I responded to his kiss and felt him smile then deepen the kiss. We kept kissing forgetting all around us until Tony cleared his throat.

"Okay lovebirds, you're in love we get the memo," he said pulling Max away from me. "but let's keep it PG for the love of God. Piece of advise my friends, leave some for the wedding night."
The two friends stared at me and my face heat up. Am going to die of shame before my supposedly wedding.
"She's so cute." Tony said chuckling while Max kept staring adoringly weird.

"Okay," Hilary clapped her hands together, "I think that's enough for one day and thank you Max for ruining your own wedding surprise. Now, you boys need to go play else where."

The two just rolled their eyes. Max kissed my cheek hurriedly and they ran out after his mom shooed them for the fifth time.

"He has it bad for you, you know." Cindy whispered behind me. I had forgotten she was there.
She approached and stood before me then tapped my shoulder nodding her head. "Why didn't you tell me you were getting married to the Max Conrad. You two are so cute together." She gushed hugging me tightly.

Cindy was bubbly and friendly and she wasn't as mean as the other sales' women who kept glaring at me like I did something wrong. She was the nicest which is why Hilary asked her to help us, she had also noticed their glares.

"Well, you never asked." I chocked out as her hug was making it hard to breath.

She pulled away playfully glaring at me. "How could I ask you when you were with your mother-in-law who may I say is so nice. Honestly, I hadn't been asked by an important client since...well forever."

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