Chapter 2- coming home

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I was barely conscience when I heard foot steps outside the door. They stopped and the door swung open the rest of the way. I heard several intakes of breath, and then foot steps headed towards me.

" Oh my god Rose, Christian help me! Mia, Eddie, or Mason call the cops and an ambulance, Now."

Lissa yelled, Christian moved my head into his lap probably looking at whatever damage Adrian had done to my face. He'd only hit me in the face once but it hurt like hell. I could only imagine what it looked like.

Mia came back inside the apartment and said the paramedics were on their way and that they were sending a few officers out too.

I looked around to see Lissa, Christian, Mia, Eddie, and Mason giving me and each other worried looks. I could only imagine what they thought had happened here. I was tired and my eyes wanted to close and take my body into sleep, but Christian wouldn't let me.

" Come on Rosie, please stay awake. Help is coming."

I would let the Rosie comment slide because Christian sounded a bit panicked. I already knew I had to stay awake, I was in nursing school for crying out loud. I only had the one semester left, so to keep myself awake I started going over all the things that would most likely be on my final exam at the end of the semester. Probably not smart right this second but it worked.

It wasn't long before more footsteps pounded the floor outside. I flinched a little and Christian hovered above me protectively while everyone else stood in front of me.

" Alright everyone move, I need to take a look."

I knew that voice, it was Celeste, she was a paramedic I had become quite close with when I'd done my clinical work in the Emergency Room. Celeste was a great paramedic so I instantly felt better knowing she was here. Everyone stepped aside to let her through.

" Rose, oh my god is that you?" she said

I nodded my reply as she knelt down to do her assessment. She looked at both of my eyes with her light trying to see if I had a concussion, then she felt around my face and ribs charting the injuries for a doctor. When she was done she helped me onto the stretcher they had brought in, and gave me her report.

" It just looks like some bruising to your face, but it's not too bad." she said as I brought my hand to my face.

" And maybe a fractured rib. Did you know your attacker?"

Even though she said it quietly this seemed to get the attention of everyone in the room. The two cops stopped their questions to my friends and all eyes were on me. I didn't want to answer in front of them but what choice did I have now!

I nodded my head. Why did this happen to me? I didn't want to go through this, I sure as hell didn't want them to know this wasn't the first time he had done this. Although not to this extent, but they were all patiently waiting for my reply. So I answered truthfully.

" It was my boyfriend Adrian. I had informed him I was leaving him tonight. He came home drunk with his friend as I was leaving. I smarted off to him and he lost it and did this to me."

The cop that had been talking to Lissa stepped towards me, his name tag read Mikhail, and asked me the question I was dreading more then the last one. I knew once I answered my friends would be disappointed in me. Hell I was disappointed in myself.

" Has he done this before?"

I looked around at everyone and then back to him. I nodded took a deep breath and spoke the words before I could change my mind.

" Yes, just never this bad. It was always places on my body he would hit where I could easily hide what he had done."

I stated and it felt good like I was taking a piece of my life back. Lissa started crying, Mia looked ill, Christian Eddie and Mason looked fit to kill. Celeste stepped towards me again with the other paramedic. I didn't know him, but his name tag read Emil and he seemed nice enough.

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