Chapter 33: Shower 2

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Important authors note! I'm still accepting yes's to the sequel, I really want 50 user and 27 people already said yes!  If you haven't said yes yet and you'd like a sequel to Tease, comment!(:

Same goes for Monster, I have 12 yes's and I'd like 50, so I need 38 different users to say so!(:

This chapter isn't very good, apologies!  I tried, but I worked on this for 4 hours and my mind has been elsewhere.

If you guys have any fan edits (I've received one so I thought I'd let you know) put it on under the hashtag #ToTheStageAA on Instagram or Twitter!  Tag me too if you can!  If you make an edit, like with a quote from my book, I'll follow you on here, on any other social media you have, and give you a shoutout! I'd love ittt<3


My lovely friend Grace Sheldon has a YouTube channel and really wants to be a famous musician.  She's amazing.  She plays guitar and sings absolutely perfectly.  Her channel name is "Grace Sheldon" .  Comment on one of her videos and say "Mia sent me!" and I'll follow you and read all your stories and comment and vote on every chapter ok pls pls do it


Chapter 33: Shower 2

It was Valentine’s Day, and several weeks after Ben confronted me in the hallway.

I have to say that I am a terrible girl to fall in love with.  I admitted right to Robbie’s face that I love him.  Am I in love with him?  I don’t think so.

Loving Robbie is a dangerous, threatening feeling in so many ways.  One, I’m sad.  I’m a sad person and I can’t bear to pass it on like an infection.  Then, his dad.  Also, the fact I’m annoying.  And worst of all, the pressure to go farther than kissing and touching because, after Tristan and his insensitive and hard-hearted deeds,  I’m oh so terrified.

And Robbie doesn’t know about it.

It seems like it should be the most obvious thing in the world, live I’ve screamed it from the mountain tops and burned it into the air with my cigarettes, but no one knows.  No one except Tristan and I.

But more importantly, it was Valentine’s Day, and Robbie was nowhere to be found.


I wish I had thought this decision through.

I spent all day sick at the sight of not seeing Robbie at school.  Robbie belonged here, though he constantly gave me downcast looks like he was plummeting into despondency, like he was desolate and drowning in despair, but I’ve pretended I never had seen.  I wished his happiness to much and therefore I refused to believe he was broken over me.

I glared at his empty plastic chair tucked under his table at lunch today.  I wish he’d pull it out and sit in it.  I liked staring at him.  I liked watching him talk to his friends though his eyes were empty, and I liked watching his side profile because…why? 

Angry at the lack of Robbie, I ditched my lunch tray and threw my bag over my shoulders, leaving my chair pushed out and tearing up the cafeteria stairs and through the front doors, sprinting to my car, faster and faster, over the sidewalk, over the teacher lot, over the bus drive, over another sidewalk, through the gates and down the track, until I was swinging myself over the fence to my car, parked on the street behind the student parking lot.

I was heaving and weary when I reached my little rav4 hidden behind the shrubs bordering the stadium, and even more spent from the exertion when I scooted into the driver’s seat and tossed my backpack into the passenger’s side.

Tease // Robbie KayWhere stories live. Discover now