Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Later that day, Vivian, Kendall, Gracie, and Landon sat around the table for dinner. It was chocolate chip pancakes, of course. Gracie was chatting excitedly about her day.

"I met this girl, Daisy. I think she'll be my friend."

"That's great, sweetie." Vivian pushed more pancakes towards her.

"Wonderful." Kendall agreed. Gracie grinned and shoveled pancakes onto her plate.

 "She got her mother's appetite too." Landon shoved his sister. Vivian pushed him back.

"Shut up." She glared at him.

"What? I bet Kendall agrees." He turned to Kendall. "Don't you?"

"I'm staying out of this." Kendall smiled, knowing it was true.

"You better." Vivian stated.

Gracie smiled. "I agree with Uncle Landon." 

"You've poisoned my daughter's mind." Vivian accused.

"You're just mad she took my side over yours." Landon smirked.

"I've changed my mind. I'm on mommy's side." Gracie said.

"Ha!" Vivian boomed.

"Benedict Arnold." Landon muttered.

"I still love you, Uncle Landon." Gracie climbed into his lap. He put an arm around her.

"I love you too." Landon replied. Vivian started clearing the table. Kendall jumped up to assist. Gracie picked up the forks and Landon wiped off the table. They sat in the living room. Gracie  watched cartoons. Vivian, Kendall, and Landon talked to each other.

"How's Kingsley?" Vivian asked.

"She's fine. She still wants to see Grace." 

"It will blow Grace's mind when she meets a 481 year old vampire." Kendall pointed out.

"She probably won't believe it at first."

"Since Kingsley looks younger than everyone we know." Vivian added.

"Yes, I don't like how I'll have grey hair one day and she'll be a supermodel." Landon looked away.

"Mom won't marry Vincent for the same reason."  Vivian informed him. Cynthia and Vincent have been together for a long time, but Cynthia won't marry him because she looks older than him.

"She'll eventually give in." Landon stated.

"I'm not so sure." Kendall said. "Cynthia seems pretty strict about age."

Landon pondered the thought. "Can a vampire change a fairy?"

"You want to become a vampire?" Vivian stared at him with shock. Landon ignored her and looked at Kendall.

"It's possible, but it wouldn't be a good idea. You might die in the process. Half-vampires are more able to do this because their bodies are made for change. If humans or fairies tried to, it'd be harder. Their bodies would be in for a huge and painful change."

"Doesn't sound that bad. But I wouldn't want it to be very painful." 

"Says the boy who had his wings removed." Vivian grumbled.

"It wasn't that bad." Landon insisted.

"How do they remove wings?" Kendall asked.

"It's exactly how it sounds." Landon replied.

"So, they just rip them off." Kendall concluded. Vivian put her hands to her back and seemed horrified by the thought.

"Not really rip, but you get the idea." Landon watched Vivian's freaked out expression. Kendall patted her arm.

"It's not going to happen to you."

Vivian turned to Landon. "Are you considering becoming a vampire?"

"I might, to stay with Kingsley."

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