Chapter 21 Way to find the lost one

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"Time warp..." Dark whispered. "How do you know?" Justin wondered. "I..." "She and Drack went through to bring Rex here," Dengyo explained. "Si, Zepar is able to open it," Cruz added. "That would make sense," Sue said, "I guess..." "Well, what are you talking about?" Niki wondered. "Zepar can open... the way to travel in time and... Asu saw that 'portal'... It... obviously means... Zoe's been sent through," Dark told them. Niki nodded to let her know she understood. "I still don't get it," Kyra said. "Kyra, the only thing you will get is the grass stone plate from Reese," Justin said.


"I have been looking at the lab's researches and-" "And by looking he means he stole them," Nicolas interrupted his younger brother. "Thank you, Nicolas... There was something about the original time machine," Justin said, "it used the stone plates. Seven original stone plates. I am sure if we will use them at the lake something may happen." "Why the hell lake?" Sue wondered.

"It was the last place where we saw Zoe," Cole replied. "And the place where Rex appeared that night," Cruz added.

"W-wait... T-time machine...? A-are you joking...?" came out of Bel's mouth. "Well, after getting through a lot of weird stuff, I am still surprised too," Niki admitted.

"We'll meet up at the lake after an hour," Alice said, "Sue, will you bring Ema's plate with you?" "I'll try." "I'll do the same thing with Kid's and dude's," Cole said.


The lake, an hour later

They all were there with the original stone plates.

"So, are you sure it'll work?" Niki nervously asked. "It has to," Sue growled. "The problem is that it won't probably work without the whole time machine," Justin said. "And you're telling us now?" Nicolas wondered. "Chicos... I... I'm sure it will work... I feel here... some energy... Like the stones..." "Dark? You're kinder creeping me out," Bel admitted.

"Just put the plates around Alice's," Cruz said. Alice with her dinosaur in her jacket took her stone. "Wait!" Kyra yelled, "what if something happens... Ally, you shouldn't hold it." "Kyra, what can happen?" Cole laughed.

"Hey!" Everyone turned around. A brunette with his yellow Triceratops and blonde with his blue Carnotaurus ran to them, Max, Chomp, Rex, Ace. "What are they doing here?" Dengyo wondered. "Rex?"

"Cole, why did you stole our stone plates?" Max asked his brother. "You know, Kid..." No one of them was sure about telling them about their plans. Only one person spoke up, Sue: "We're savin' Zoe! Somethin' you two already gave up!"

"That's a lie!" Rex snapped, "we were looking for her all the time! Days, nights, every time we could." Sue shut up, she was shocked. They both spent all their time searching for her. And what did she do for her best friend?

"Sue? You alright?" Bel whispered. Sue looked at her. "Don't worry... We'll... We'll find her..." Dark joined. "Y-yeah..."

"I promise, I'll help you anytime you'll need it," Sue remembered Zoe's words.

"Hey, are we going to just stand here or really help her?" Sue asked. "And what are you going to do?" Max wondered.

"It won't work," Rex said when they explained their plan, "you can't do that without a time machine." "Anything is possible when you believe," Dark and Cruz said unison. "Let us at least try," Justin said. "Those stone plates are powerful enough for this," Dengyo assured them.

"So, will you just try it?" Niki asked. Max and Rex nodded. "Wait! I still think it can be dangerous," Kyra said, her voice was shaking a little bit.

Dinosaur King: Out of time and spaceOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora