"You wanted to see me shirtless, Zorro. Admit it."

Focus on the mailbox, don't look at him. I mentally chanted.

"Don't look at me."

When someone told you not to do something, what was your automatic reaction?

Do the complete opposite.

I turned, fully prepared to only look at his face. Sadly, being the teenager I was, I had a moment where I looked at his chest. There went my dignity. As sad as I was to admit it, he was hot. Plus, his hair was all wet so it made him look like a wet dog.

"Honestly, Hunter," he smiled in a way that could make the sun dim,"Try being just a bit subtle, yeah? Drooling doesn't suit you."

He biked away.


I sipped on my freezing smoothie and sighed in content. Was there anything better than mango smoothies? Well, other than actors who, through time, blossomed into gorgeous men with sharp jaw lines and rock-hard abs.

"What are you wearing tonight?" asked Lucy, laying a bunch of shirts on her bed. I shrugged.

She referred to the annual summer campfire Silvercrest organized. The adults sipped wine in their own section of the forest, keeping an eye at the teens. Eventually, at 12, they all fell asleep in their chairs and that was when the real fun began. Mainly, it was an occasion for teenagers to get drunk and eat an endless amount of s'mores, hot dogs and marshmallows. Some stayed until morning, and some left somewhere after midnight. My friends and I had a big tent where we all ended up sleeping.


She raised an eyebrow and gave me a glare. "No, I'm serious. You have to look damn good, Zoey. I heard that Oliver's going to be back tonight."

"You're kidding, aren't you? He shouldn't be back until the end of July." My heart started beating a little faster at the thought of him.

Lucy shook her head, "I heard from Joel that he had some kind of emergency and his family had to come back as soon as possible."

Joel was Oliver's best friend. They were like brothers, so if he said that Oliver would be back tonight, then there was no doubt that he would.

"Oh my God."

Oh my God.

He's going to back tonight.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?!" I shouted, making Lucy jump.

"It slipped my mind, sorry! Gosh, don't get your panties in a twist."

"My panties are completely twisted because the guy who freaking kissed me is going to be at the campfire tonight and I'm freaking out."

She grinned and patted my head, "don't worry, I'll be here for you."

"Of course, you'll be there, stuffing your face in food and in your boyfriend's face," I made a gesture of exaggerated making out.

A pillow hit my head and I gaped at her. "I kiss like a princess," said Lucy, "not like a frog when there's a million flies around."

"Whatever you say, Frog."

She held up a crop top and I shook my head. "So, how's it going with hot piece of mail?"

"Surprisingly okay, he's been cooperating. He's still rude though."

"Is he going to be there tonight?" asked Lucy, tying her hair up.

I shrugged, remembering my earlier conversation with him, "why would I care?"

Mailboy (Wattys 2015 Winner)Where stories live. Discover now