Peek-A-Boo, I Finally See You

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This is just something that I wrote for a contest being held by Katrocks247, the author of so many loved stories here on Wattpad. The contest is for her amazing series Death Is My BFF; a story that I stumbled upon when I joined this website. I started reading the Death series because I was finished reading Bleeding Royalty and I saw that Death was Jared Padalecki (Sam from Supernatural!! ;D), and let me tell you, I'm so glad I did, because this series is so good! I can't get enough of it, especially of Death;) If you haven't read it, I strongly recommend doing so; the series is full of humor, sort of twisted romance, very well-developed characters and the plot is original! What I mostly love about the series is the way that Death acts and the fact that he doesn't easily fall for Faith or becomes infactuated with her. I had so much fun writing this chapter and trying to at least get their personalities to match Kat's.

Death was now my guardian angel.

Thinking about it made me laugh. I mean, how ironic can it get? The person that's supposed to protect me, to guard me, to take care of me is the one that wants me dead, the one that wants to kill me himself. Because after what I did back in the woods, I'm pretty sure that he wants me more than dead.

After Gabriel left, I didn't dare to go out the door. Although, if Death was my guardian angel, he couldn't kill me anymore right? Isn't there some godly law or guardian rule book that forbids the killing of the protégé? I hope there was, either way, I wasn't about to go out there and find out.

Carrying myself to one of the pews, I laid down. I was beyond scared, not to mention exhausted; so much had happened lately and I've received so much information that I now had a killer headache. There were so many things going through my head, but I was too tired to dwell on them. I was tired of everything so I force myself too sleep, needless said, sleep didn't come easily. But when it did, it made me wish it hadn't because after I fell asleep, I woke up to my own personal nightmare.

I was still at the church, except that now I was outside by the swings. The sun was setting down and shadows were being casted off. Little Faith was sitting on one of the swings, animatedly talking to a Mr. Wiggles, who was sitting on her lap. She looked so sweet and innocent, oblivious to the hell that she was going to go through once she grew older, all thanks to a selfish, cloaked jerk.

Speaking of the devil, or in this case Death, from the corner of my eyes I noticed a cloaked figure make its way to little Faith. Not needing to think it twice, I quickly darted to hide behind a nearby oak tree.

My heart was now beating at an unnatural rate. I put a shaky hand to my chest to try to calm down, although I'm pretty sure that he could sense me. I mean, he's Death and now also my guardian angel so that must give him some power over me right?

I closed my eyes waiting for him to appear and torture me, but he never came.

After what seem like an hour of waiting, but most have been only like five minutes, I slowly opened one eye, but there was no one in sight so I opened my other eye and dared myself to sneak a peek at the swings.

There was a guy croushed in front of little Faith's swing. Who was he? Where had Death gone to?

"God, why are you so annoying?!" boomed a voice that I've come to be very familiar with; Death's.

For a minute I just stood there shocked, eyes wide and a hand on my mouth to prevent the gasp that was burning to come out. His voice came from the guy that was crouched in front of little me, which means that he was Death. That's not what shocked me though, what shocked me was the fact that Death wasn't wearing a cloak! I could see him now and damn if his muscled back was something to go by, then his front must be a drooling sight. My excitement and shock soon died and disappointment filled me as I realized that I couldn't see his face, and I was not about to go up to him and have myself killed just to see it. Although, if I was going to die either way, then I'd prefer to die knowing the real face of my killer. That though made me realize that Death hadn't sense me yet; surely he'd be able to, he's done it on my previous dreams and nightmares. Why wasn't he coming at me now?

Peek-A-Boo, I Finally See YouWhere stories live. Discover now