Chapter One

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Addie's POV

I was Sitting on Kalil's Bed waiting for him to get done with what he was doing so I was texting Charlee my Best friend since Elementary School me and him have been through a lot together and were even at the same University. After around five more minutes Kalil finally walks out of his bathroom with a towel on his head. "Fiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnnallllllllyyyyyyyyyyyy," I say as I fall back onto Kalil's bed "Sorry I took so long it takes a while for Hair Dye to settle," Kalil says and Sits next to me on his Bed "Ohhhh You redyed your hair?? What colour is it this time?" I ask while sitting up "why don't you guess this time" he says "Hmmm Green Wait ..... no Lilac....... No Baby Blue!!" I say and he Giggles "Your kinda Close with Baby Blue," he says "Hmm so Ocean Blue??" I ask "Yup," he says as he takes the towel off his head "Ohh That colour suits you," I say i start to play with his hair and not 2 seconds later his Twin sister Kaylee walks in and starts yelling at us "Kalil Hurry up I need to get to Swim Practice and Mum told you to Drive me there" "Coming, Kay" Kalil says getting up and Grabbing his Phone Wallet and Car Keys "Coming with us Addie?" Kalil asks "Nah I think im going to just walk over to my Grandparents for a while, Text me when you're done With your Chores okay," I say while walking out of his room while getting a Death Glare from the Otter "Cya Beaver," I say to Kaylee while walking down the Stairs "IM NOT A BEAVER IM AN OTTER THERE'S A DIFFERENCE!!" Kaylee yells to me and I hear Kalil Laugh at what I called her. Kaylee doesn't like me all because I cant fuse with Animal genes, Like sorry im Unique and get to Prove im strong and have Talents that others need an Animal gene to help them show, Well that not true, well its mostly true I cant Fuse with any animal gene but I don't mind i don't need to be fused with an Animal to prove im strong.

*Time skip to Addies Grandparents house*

"Im home" I shout as I close the Front door and start to take off my Boots "Welcome Home Addie your Grandma will be Home in around 5 to 10 minutes" Granddad Shouts from his Study "Ok thanks, Bookworm" I shout from downstairs, I call my Granddad Bookworm because he is a Teacher and he is Fused with an Owl he also loves to read so it fits. I walk into the Kitchen and Grab myself a Bottle of Grape Soda and then Head upstairs to Granddad's Study. I open the door and granddad with his head in a Book "hey Bookworm what are you reading this week?" I ask walking over to the Chair next to him "Ahh Addie im Researching Animal Fusion for my Class tomorrow, and The Effects it has on people" he says "ohh Cool so effects it has on people Like me who are Incompatible with Animal Genes?" I ask Curious "Yes actually, Want to help me Write some note?" He asks "Sure I would love to," I say and get up and Grab a Notebook and a Pen from the Other side of the room. After around 7 minutes I hear the Front Door Unlock "Grandma's Home" I say and get up out of my seat and run downstairs "Grandma!!" I Scream like im a little kid who rarely gets to see their Grandparents "Hey Pumpkin how are you?" She asks "Im Great Cinnamon Stick, how was your day?" I ask and yes I call my Grandma Cinnamon Stick what of it she bakes a lot of Sweets with Cinnamon in it so its fitting for her "My Day was Excellent I got you something" She says "oooh present?" I ask "Yep come with me its also for your Granddad," She says and starts to walk up the Stairs towards Granddads Study. Once we got to the Study I go and Sit back down in the seat I was in before Grandma got home. "Ok Close your eyes both of you and no peaking' she says so we both close our eyes "Hands out," she says so we both move our hands so there flat in front of us. I feel something box-like get placed in my hands "Ok you can open your eyes" Grandma says so we do and i look down and See a Jewellery box "Grandma why?" i ask and all she says is "Open it and see" so i open the Box and See a Chain with a Segment of a Charm attached to it "this is Beautiful Grandma, but i still want to know why?" i say "i Got us all a 3 Part Charm So no matter What happens to us we will all be Connected" She says and i put the Box down and get up and Hug Her Tight "Thank you grandma i love it and i love you both as well" i say and let go of the hug. Then all of a Sudden i get a Text from Kalil "Hey Ads I'm done with Babysitting my Sister Text me when you can okay"  i text back "WAY TO RUIN THE MOMENT KAL ME AND MY GRANDPARENTS WERE HAVING A CUTE MOMENT, jk but really you did ruin a cute moment" "Sorry about that Guys" i say putting my Phone back in my Pocket "Its alright Addie, things like that happen" Granddad says Engulphing both me and Grandma in a Huge hug and wrapping his Wings Around us both "I love you both so much don't ever change ok?" he says "Love you too" Me and Grandma Say and Granddad lets go of the Hug. "Ok so im going to go and Start dinner it should be ready in an Hour, Addie go and Clean up beforehand ok," Grandma says and i nod and Head towards my Bedroom to Clean up before Dinner.

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