What it Is

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Before I begin I would simply like to say... I am not very well known. I know that very few people (if anyone) will know who I am. I am a very very small corner of this amazing app and I simply have to say something to all of you. Writers like me work around the clock to at least attempt to give you content that you can enjoy, and stress about it even more. Your positive feedback is what keeps us going, and we love you to death for it. However there are some people out there will criticize people like me simply because our content can be (and usually is) less than perfect. I just have to say how damaging this can be to an inexperienced writer like myself. Because of this many writers now tend to look down on themselves instead of writing more amazing content that at least one person will love. As for myself I will never ask people to like my stories, vote, or follow me because if I am going to get anyone's support the last thing I want is for it to be forced. So the last thing I have to say is... thank you. Even though many people will look at the title and ignore it. You have taken the time to read through this and hopefully this has changed the way that you will act around these amazing people you call writers. Even though you still may not care, you clearly cared enough to read through this. Oh, and before I leave I may as well do the simple task of introducing myself. To the vast majority my identity may be of no interest, but for those few that care, I am a simple writer, possibly one of the world of wattpad's best idea creators, but weak storyteller Millwood E. Taylor. I used to think rather high of my skills but that was so long ago that I can barely remember it. Now I only see my flaws.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Feb 06, 2018 ⏰

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