"Oh. I knew that. Just being my dumb sarcastic self haha. But im in uh....the big one."

"The big what?"

"House. The big house."

"You're really good at being sarcastic. But come on, are you Slyherin? Hufflepuff? What?"

She moved in closer to him and gently placed her hand on his lap.

"Hufflepuff for sure." she said confidentally, "But enough about that. Tell me some other stuff about yourself."

Finn started looking uncomfortable. He didnt want to be rude and push her hand away, so he just bared the awkwardness.

VC-Finn- She puts her hand on my lap. Im not sure if she's aware or what but....its....odd.

"Um. I love art."

"Really?" she stared into his lake green eyes and smiled, "Thats great! Like painting and drawing and stuff?"

"Really?" she stared into his lake green eyes and smiled, "Thats great! Like painting and drawing and stuff?"

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"Yea," his eyes darted back and froth from her to the floor, "Mostly body art tho. But I love drawing and painting as well."

"Have you ever done a nude portrait of someone?"

"No. Why?"

"Just a random thought." she slid her hand down to the middle of his thigh, "I think its great that you love art. My father was really into art. He was so passionate about it. When you talk about art I see that same passion in your eyes."

VC-Carmella- My father does landscaping. You can call that art if you want. But in reality, my dad could care less about art.

"Thats cool."

"Yup totally." she continued staring into his eyes while sitting in his personal space with her hand on his lap. Poor Finn didnt know what to do so he just went with it.

"I think we may actually have a lot in common Finn. We should hang out more."

"Uh sure. Any body who  loves Harry Potter is a friend of mine."

"You have the cutest accent." she gushed.

"Thanks-" he was saying before she interrupted him with a kiss on his lips.

It lasted for about 3 seconds until she pulled away.

VC-Carmella- I knew it was maybe too soon but I needed to make some type of progress with Finn asap.

"Sorry. I couldnt help myself. I just feel this connection with you y'know. I really like your aura. I feel comfortable around you." she laced her fingers in between his.

Finn was still startled, trying to grasp what just happened.

VC-Finn- That didnt just happen did it? But-but why?

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