Their back

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Y/n's POV
We were all eating breakfast and there was a knock at the door I looked through the peep hole I started shaking Taylor said "babe who is it?" I said "it's them" Taylor said "dad call the police" she looked at me and said "baby calm down and act like everything is normal until they get here" Lauren said "already called Simon" I opened the door I said "yes may I help you 3?" My mom said "ahh there you are come on were going home" They started walking away they looked back at me and saw I wasn't moving I raised an eyebrow I said "um I'm pretty sure I'm home" my so called step dad said "no you're not you live with us" I chuckled and "that's funny you threw me out at 14 nice try though you aren't my parents anymore" my mom said "I'll always be your mom I have custody over you not these people" I said "um these people are my family and not only mine but my girlfriend of 3 years family" Simon showed up he said "y/n I got her as fast as I could" I said "thanks dad" my mother said "that's not your dad he is" and pointed to my step dad me and my Simon chuckled he said "actually no the night you threw her out I ran into her she told me everything you guys did the minute I heard about it I adopted her so she's my daughter" I said and "3..2..1" they were confused the cops showed up they said "you called the cops?" I said "well I have a restraining order on you and you also have one for the jauregui family so have fun in jail" they were arrested I said "thanks dad" he said "no problem I have a meeting to get to I'll see you later" he kissed my forehead I closed the door and started shaking I slid down the door and put my head in my hands I felt arms wrap around me I knew it was Taylor I said "Taylor it's all coming back to me it hurts" she said "shh im here I'm right here it's okay they won't bother you anymore" Taylor picked me up we went up to her room at ran a bath for us I laid in between her legs I said "please never let go of me I need you more then you know" she said "I love you y/n Im not going anywhere I promise"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2017 ⏰

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