
"Sorry" Monica says, letting a small laugh escape from your lips "I didn't know he was going to go into your room at 5:00 in the morning. I gave the key to him yesterday when you weren't in the building. He must've forgotten to return it then"

"No kidding" I laughed, rolling my eyes "I almost had a heart attack"

"Hey ladies" Derek says, entering the lounging room where Monica and I were. He slides into the seat beside her, placing a kiss on her cheek

"Hey" She smiled, leaning into him

"So, what are you two up to?" He asks, pulling one leg over the other

"Just discussing how Louis broke into Chelsea's room at 5:00 this morning to return a brownie plate" Monica smirks

"Oh gosh" Derek laughed leaning his head back "That boy; I swear" he gives his head a slight shake

"Speak of the devil" Monica says, looking at the doorway. Louis makes his way into the room, sitting in the seat across from me

"These are for you" he says, pulling our a snickers bar and a bag and M&M's

I take them, giving him a confused look

"For breaking into your room"

"Ah" I say, laughing as I put the candy into my purse. "Thanks Louis"

"Welcome" he nods, squishing the plastic bag and placing it into the garbage bin placed next to us.


I watch Chelsea put the candy into her purse, her delicate fingers pulling the zipper open.

"So" Derek utters, making me look up at him "How about we all go out to eat tomorrow at Olive Garden"

"I think that's a wonderful idea" Monica chirps

I gave Derek an inquiring look, wondering why he wants to do this

"How about it Chelsea?" Monica smiles widely

"Oh I don't know" Chelsea sets her purse down "I have a paper I need to write, and-"

"Oh come on" Derek grins, "You're coming. No excuses"

"Fine" she smiles, "I better go work on that paper now then. I'll see you guys later." She picks up her purse once again, exiting the room

"What was that all about?" I ask, leaning back in the seat

"Louis, if you want to get anywhere with this girl, you have to step out..go on a date"

"She won't go if she thinks it's a date. You can't make this seem like a date" I say, looking at Derek and Monica

"Okay, but you two are sitting next to each other. And you are dressing up" Monica says, pointing at my clothes

"Fine" I groan

"Yay!" Monica clapped, squirming slightly in her seat "I'll make sure Chelsea dresses up too. 7:00 tomorrow evening?" She asks, shifting her gaze from Derek, to me, then back to Derek

"Sounds good" Derek nods. I do the same

"Great! I go tell Chelsea" Monica gets up from her seat, going to go talk to Chelsea

"That was sweet" Derek said, lifting his feet onto the couch

"What was sweet?" I ask, mimicking his actions

"You buying chocolate for Chelsea" he smirked

"Well I woke her up at 5:00 in the morning. I scared her too" I chuckled

"Yeah, but it was still sweet" he said

"So..what do you think I should wear?" I ask, now sort of concerned on if I would have the right apperal to do this tomorrow. I don't want to look bad. Especially if Chelsea is dressing up..She doesn't have to dress up to look good, so I know she is going to look especially good tomorrow. I can feel my nerves a little bit..which is weird, because I never get nervous for things like this...and it's not even a date. What is Chelsea doing to me?

"She's really got you shook up, huh?" Derek laughs "Just something nice. Nothing old and ratty"

"Well I figured that much" I smirk. "I'm going to go pick out an outfit" I say, pushing myself off the couch

"Right now?" he asks "A day before?" he pauses before laughing loudly "Oh my gosh, you're acting like a girl"

"Shut up" A laugh before walking to my dorm room.

I walk to my closet, scanning through all of my outfits. I then realize I am acting like a girl; picking out my outfit the night before, worrying about looking nice. Geez. I stop myself from feeling more like a girl, and pull out my laptop, finding Chelsea's Facebook page. I look through her pictures, smiling as I go through her countless pictures. She hadn't taken most of them. A majority of the pictures that were on her page, were taken by other people. In every one, she always had a smile on her face. Weather she knew there was a camera near her or not. Her smile..it was captivating to say the least. It was full of authentic joy and happiness. As if she didn't have a care in the world. It's contagious for sure; I feel myself smiling once again, I click the 'send friend request' button on her page. Seconds later I had a notification on my page, saying she had accepted it

"And so it begins"

The Player's Game [Louis T. AU]Where stories live. Discover now