Chapter 1: The Great Return

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The bell rang loudly in Alexis's ears. The ringing was familiar as it had been a year since she had been to school due to a major injury caused by her karate opponent in which Alexis had proudly won against. She strolled her way towards her first period class, excitedly waiting to see her friends again. Once she made it towards the entrance, she noticed how her friends were gathered towards a table.
"WASSUP BITCHES," Alexis screamed across the classroom.
"Woah there, watch your language shorty," Whiton said smirking at his remark. He was her friend ever since the start of first grade. He is awkward and quiet, but he is loud and bewildered around certain people.
"Yay you're back!" Ava, another one of Alexis's friend, called back. She ran up to Alexis to give her a hug and a hit in the arm after.
All of her friends were crowding around her and covering her in their warm embrace as they had missed her so much. As a matter of fact, the whole class was her friend. There, however, was one person who wasn't there to give her a hug, and that was a potato.
Alexis's eyes were glued onto the potato. Little did she know, she zoned out. She was focusing on his rounded yet sharp features; she also noticed his perfectly dark spots.

Alexis's POV
"Hello? Earth to Alexis!" Kassidy waved in front of my face.
Out of shock, I jumped out of my chair and landed on my buttock. I didn't even notice that I was staring at him. Who is he? Where did he come from? Why am I staring at him?
The other people at my table noticed how my soul left my body when looking at him and started to tease me.
"Hey Alexis, who are you staring at?" Cong asked with a smirk on his face, which made me very uncomfortable. Embarrassed, a deep shade of red was overtaking my cheeks. My face was burning trying to think of an answer to his question. I kept my cool and answered his questions trying to keep my actual feelings in a bubble.
"Your mom," I replied. My answer made everyone at my table burst into laughter. I felt a wave of confidence hit me like how I hit that girl in the face.
"Oh, is that so?" Amy asked. A light smile formed across her face. Amy was one of my best friends and she knew when I was lying. She was like a psychic. I knew I should tell her about this feeling manifesting inside of me.
"Yeah," I replied back, "What else did you think I was staring at?"
"Well, it seems like you were staring at our new, exchange student from that school across town," Mindy said.
"He's new?"
"Yup! Now go getchu some," Ashley said, pushing me towards the potato.
Dang it Ashley!
You can thank me later! Ashley replied in my mind... wait what the?
When she pushed me, I couldn't even keep my own balance. I fell over and collapsed on the floor; a loud thud could be heard from me falling in the other classroom. Everyone was staring at me, and then laughter broke out between the people.
Fortunately, the potato came to help me up. Unfortunately, someone somehow didn't see me and stepped on my wrist, which broke it. He came to my aid and asked if I was okay.
"Ajckglldkef", the potato muffled in potato language. Even though it was in another language , I could understand what he was saying. It was as if it was true love. Could it possibly be true love that I haven't achieved yet?

heeeyyyyy! yeah this chapter is pretty trash LOL. this is actually my first time writing a story. let's hope that this story will actually have a good plot. lmao thanks for reading the first chapter!
also, sorry for the grammatical errors i've made in this chapter.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Oct 24, 2017 ⏰

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