Chapter 24: Profession

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The news about Jimin and I's breakup spread like wildfire. Some pitied me, but some were celebrating. I wouldn't care less about them, those bitches aren't worth my time. I'm too fabulous to worry about their gossips.

The seniors were worried about me. Probably because they didn't want me to experience bullying. Too late though, I've been through that shit back in middle school, and I tell you, it wasn't pretty, not one bit. They often defended me from those who would threaten to badmouth my well being.

Not that I couldn't take care of myself, they insisted on protecting me. Knowing them, I wouldn't win the argument no matter what. Jihyo's voice is too unbearable so I'd end up losing anyway.

Wanting to have some alone time, I took refuge at the rooftop. I ain't got time to worry about every shit that has happened. My decision was correct, being alone always helped me to calm myself down. Not to mention, the weather was superb today.

The blue curtain was hung across above. Cottons were plastered throughout the perfect shade of blue. Its silhouette spreading through the earth as the sun cowered behind it. This was your typical lunch time, except, I was spending it at the rooftop rather than the cafeteria with my friends. 

Well, it would've been great if it weren't for a certain transfer student.

"Hey Chaeng!" The girl I mentioned greeted.

Yep, it's her.

"Oh, hey Yeri." My lips arched, forming a small smile.

The young lass sat beside me, her back resting at the wall. To tell that we've never hanged out for the past few days is an understatement. Frankly, we've gotten along quite well, too well if you'd ask me. 

"Fancy seeing you here." Yeri smirked.

"I'd say the same to you as well." I sneered mischievously. 

Her eyes landed upon the heavenly scenery above us. A soft sigh escaped from her mouth as her whole body began to loosen up. Guess I'm not alone, I'm sure she often visits this place whenever she had the chance. But, we rarely had the chance to bump into each other.

Today was different though.

Here we are, our bodies close in proximity. Different thoughts ran through our minds as we admired the natural blessing ahead of us. I would've walked away if someone interrupted my alone time, but it was different with Yeri.

I'd consider her my rooftop buddy, judging by how we'd get along whenever we stayed at this place. Even though we would meet only once every blue moon. Still, we loved each other's company and it was wonderful. She's like a little sister that I've never had. Ironically, she's a month older than I was.

"So what brought you here?" Asked by the girl that had her eyes locked on the sky.

Her orbs never left the sky. Yeri's a person who'd get mesmerized by the things that nature had to offer. I've discovered that for the days we had the chance to hang out.

"The usual, of course." I remarked wittily. "To have some 'me' time and to enjoy the view."

She simply nodded her head, still not glancing my way. "Same, as always."

A long pregnant silence followed. It wasn't awkward, instead, it felt really comfortable. But the tranquility ended when she opened her mouth to utter a word, which end up sounding like a dying cow.

An inaudible giggle escaped from my mouth, but the girl beside me managed to pick it up. Her head swerved, with her orbs glaring at me, as if she was trying to melt the living shit out of me. She jutted her lips, forming a cute pout.

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