Chapter 1:What Lies Inside.

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3RD Person POV

"M-MOM!"Izuku cries out as he enters his and his mom's house. She was lying on a puddle of blood on the ground. Her own blood... There was a knife sticking out on the side of her stomach. Next to her was a panicked man who was dressed as a burglar.

"DONT MOVE OR THE SAME WILL HAPPEN TO YOU!"He says panicked. He was holding a knife in his shaking hand.

"Why...? WHAT DID SHE DO TO DESERVE THIS!?"The green haired boy cries out his question. Shaking in either fear or anger.

"I SAW SHE WAS GOING TO CALL THE POLICE! THE PHONE WAS FLOATING TO HER!"His mom's quirk allowed her to attract small objects to her. But why did she do such a action ?

"The 'Why' doesn't matter. Are you going to let him go ?"A weird voice says inside of Izuku's head ? Suddenly the green haired boy was not in his house anymore. In fact it didn't seem he was anywhere... It was all just... Pitch black...

"Of course not! He should be arrested by the heroes!"

"Tsk tsk tsk. You really are a wimp..."The voice says sounding.... dissapointed. But before Izuku can talk back to it his eyes become wide and dull. He felt as if he was floating. His mind hazy and he couldn't move his body.

"I'll help you out of this one... 'Me'"If Izuku could see from who the voice was coming from. He would see a dark,sinister and amused smirk etched on the person's face.

-Real world-

"OI! YOU HEAR ME KID! IF YOU DONT SAY SOMETHING I'LL-"The man gets cut off by Izuku. Who suddenly rushed at him.

"S-S-STAY AWAY FROM ME!"He cries out in panic swinging his knife wildly.

"Dont swing that thing around~. You're going to poke someone's eyes out with that thing... Probabbly yours."The green haired boy says with amusement as he dodged the swings. If this was the Real Izuku he wouldn't do any of this.

"*Sigh* im tired of playing."Izuku suddenly stops in front of the man. Who goes for a stab on the head of our dark green haired protagonist. Only for him to block it.... With his arm. The knife had pierced his arm. And he could see the tip of it sticking out.

"I must say. This kinda hurts... I love the feeling!"Izuku laughs insanely as the man falls down and crawls away. Pressing his back against the wall.

"You're insane..."The thief says shaking. This kid is not normal. He didn't even feel anything !

"No,im not. There is one thing i am."He says removing the knife from his arm.

"Your worst nightmare."As izuku says that he rushes at the man and stabs his throat with the knife. Staring directly into his eyes as he tries to say something,only for blood to flow out of his mouth. After a minute his eyes slowly close. Indicating he died.

"Disapointing... "Izuku mutters getting up. Staring at his arm wich was pierced earlier. The wound already healed itself. Regeneration quirks sure are something...

"I'll let you take care of things for now 'Real' Me."As he says that he suddenly passes out.


"Huh...? What happened ?"Izuku asks himself grogilly sitting up. He was confused... What had happened ?

"OI DEKU!"He hears the familiar voice of his childhood 'Friend',Katsuki bakugou,or as he calls him,Kacchan.


"What the fuck happened here ?! You best fucking tell me! I called the para-medics when i saw your mother fucking laying down looking fucking dead and your sorry ass passed out! And who the fuck is that guy !?"So much questions. And some of them he couldn't even awnser since he also didn't know.

"Is Mom ok !?"The dark-green haired boy asks bolting up. Looking around.

"Yes she fucking is. The paramedics just arrived 4 minutes before you woke up from your beauty sleep you fucking princess. They took her to the hospital and that dead guy aswell."Bakugou explains as Izuku sighs in relief. Everything was going to be ok.... Everything was going go be ok....

"Now will you tell me what the fuck happened ?!"In case you didn't realise. Bakugou swears...alot....

"O-oh right."

-One long explanation later-

"So you're telling me you got a regeneration quirk and you were happily skipping home to tell aunt inko the news when you saw her lying down and that weirdo ?"


"And after that you heard a weird voice and dont remember anything else ?"

"Y-Yes."He started feeling nervous under his 'friend' gaze. It was almost like he was judging him.

"I guess i'll believe you Deku."He says after a few seconds.

"So what now ?"

"......I dont know...."Izuky says after a while. What does he do ? He could just clean the house and stay....

".....I guess the Old Hag wouldn't mind if you stayed there for a while..."Bakugou mutters as if pondering something.


"H-hai ?"

"Grab your stuff!"

"E-eh ? Why kacc-"

"Just fucking do so you useless nerd!"Bakugou says punching his palm,causing a small explosion. Izuku got the message and instantly grabbed a few clothes and stuffing it on his backpack.

"Cmon lets go."

"Where kacchan ?"

"Where the fuck else ? Im letting you crash at my house ti'll your mother recovers. Its the least i can do for her."He says as Izuku's eyes widen in shock. Is kacchan being...Nice ?


"Just shut up and lets go."And so they leave the apartment. With izuku locking the door and still wondering what happened. What was that voice ? What had happened that he couldn't remember ?

Omake:Why bakugou was there.

"KATSUKI!"A angry female voice yells from Katsuki bakugou's house. Definetly his mom.





"FINE YOU FUCKING HAG!"As you can see... Swearing like a sailor is a family tradition... Can i publish this on Wattpad still or does this goes against any policy ?


A/N:Hello! Im your host KaneKi- ok i'll stop playing around like this. So.... How to say this.... I guess the only thing i can say is Thank You for the support. Honestly i did not expect a single soul to read this so it surprised me that so much people read this. And i must be an asshole for taking 16 DAYS to release a 2nd chapter. In my defense:i had a writers block and.... Laugh if you want,I really couldn't think of a thing to write for this. Thus far this is the first book i write that isnt m!reader. So bear with me. Anyways im sorry for taking your time. Hope you liked it. See you around.


(In)Sanity (A BNHA Fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz