The Set Up

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Stevie sat in Jimmy's kitchen, picking at a fruit tray. She pulled the leaves off of a strawberry and took a small bite, savoring its sweetness. He had been lecturing her for seemingly hours though it had probably only been a few minutes.

"When he comes over, he can't know you're here. Just go down to the basement and write or something"

"I'm starting to think you're ashamed of me."

"He's a private guy, Stevie. He's coming by to talk about some tracks for his album with the Heartbreakers."

"I won't talk, I just want to listen in."

"Oh, so now you wanna be a spy?" he asked in his thick New York accent. "Listen, Stevie, I know you're a big fan of the guy but you gotta listen to me this time."

"Alright, that's fine." she said, continuing to pick leaves from strawberries.

"That's it?"

"That's it. I won't argue with you about it, Jimmy. I wouldn't want a know-nothing woman like me getting in the way of a genius and his work." He understood her tone and he shook his head.

"You know that's not what I mean. You're a real pain in the you-know-what." He chuckled and Stevie gave him a crooked smirk.

"I am? Must be part of my job description"

"I guess." He put his hands on his hips. "What am I gonna to do with you?" She shrugged just as the door bell rang. "Shit, that's him. Go downstairs. I'll get you later."

"Yeah, sure."

"And take your fruit tray." Jimmy handed the plastic tray to her and shooed her away.

She opened the door and went down the stairs to the basement. She spotted the card table and put her food down. She opened his mini fridge, looking for a Perrier but all she found was beer. She huffed out of sheer boredom. "Well, at least it's a nice basement" she said aloud. "Now what am I going to do down here for god knows how long?" She sat down in the chair at the table and stretched her legs out, crossing her ankles. She thought she could make out voices from upstairs. She wondered what they were talking about. Jimmy mentioned tracks. She loved Tom's music so of course she wanted to be involved. She had been trying to find a way to meet him again. They had spoken briefly a few years back. She had told him how much she adored his music. He was different and she liked that. No one played, sang or wrote like him.

She looked at the delicate bracelet watch on her wrist; more than an hour had passed. She sighed, still going out of her mind with boredom. She was writing, journaling here and there but she knew Tom was still there. She could feel it. She carefully walked up the stairs, not wanting to make too much noise. Platform boots weren't made for tiptoeing. She sat down on the steps and placed her ear flush to the door just like she used to when she and her brother Chris would eavesdrop as children. She tried to listen closely but heard nothing more than muffled whispers.

"Damn" she said, tapping her boot on the stair. She crossed her arms like a petulant child, almost pouting. Why Jimmy had banished her to the basement was beyond her comprehension. She wasn't going to do anything. She liked the social aspect of the music business just as much as anyone else. She heard footsteps and she hurried back down the stairs. The door opened and light poured into the stairwell.

"You alright down here?" Jimmy asked.

"Yes, master, I'm fine." she called up. "Just send down bread and water to your prisoner when you've got the time. No rush."

"Surely you haven't finished all that fruit yet." Jimmy said.

"No." Stevie said, finding no humor in what he said though he laughed.

"He's leaving soon. I think I've got some good news for you."

"Shouldn't you be entertaining?"

"He's takin' a leak." he said and Stevie grimaced. "But did you hear me? I've got good news for you."

"I heard."

"What do you say?"

"Thank you, Jimmy." she said and he laughed again.

"Sorry, I was just looking for a little enthusiasm. I know you're bored but I was thinking maybe we could invite him down to the studio in the next few days."


"Yeah." Jimmy looked over his shoulder. "He's back. I'll come and get you in a little bit, okay?"

"Thank you, Jimmy"

"No problem, babe." He winked and shut the door. She moved back up the stairs and pressed her ear to the door again. They were close. She heard something about a new song Tom was working on and that he was going to be in the studio with the guys all that week. The voices grew distant then disappeared completely. She went back to the card table and began picking at the fruit again, this time plucking the stems off grapes before popping one into her mouth.

"Stevie!" Jimmy shouted down. She picked up her fruit tray and went back upstairs, taking her place at the counter once more.

"So, what's the word?" she asked, chewing on another grape.

"Well" Jimmy rubbed his hands together. "I've got a song for you, written by Mr Tom Petty himself. You don't have a single and you really need one. You're hurting bad, Stevie and I think I can get Tom to sing it with you."

"Really? My album is--"

He cut her off. "I know you love your songs and your album is coming along great but you need something that's going to put you on the map as a solo artist. You like Tom, you respect Tom and you respect his work. He's a hell of a musician and I don't want you to act too proud to take this damn song. You need it and he just happens to have one to spare."

"So he's it to me?"

"Uh...not exactly" Jimmy said, taking his ball cap off and running his hand through his thick, black hair. "I've got a tape and I want you to listen to it. Be prepared to meet me tomorrow to lay down your vocals"


"I've known you to do it before, Stevie. Just learn the song and meet me tomorrow at like, what, 11:30?"

"Alright" Jimmy handed her the tape and she smoothed the words scrawled across the white lined sheet tucked inside the case.

Stop Draggin My Heart Around.

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