Sugar And Pickups

Start from the beginning

“Of course I’m freaking out! Look what these dickheads did to my poor truck!” I looked back at the collision to see the extent of the damage and winced. Both cars had suffered a decent amount of damage. The front of Carter’s truck was seriously fucked up – both lights completely smashed. And the back of the hummer had been caved in completely.

“What is going on out here?” came a woman’s voice.  Carter and I both turned our gazes to see a dark haired woman emerging from the back of the hummer. Dressed in a grey pantsuit with her hair pulled back in a severe bun, she looked the part of the classic permanent bachelorette who always put her career before all else. 

She was seriously familiar looking, but I couldn’t place it right away.

“Did you not notice the pickup in your trunk lady!?” Carter shouted, turning his anger towards her.

“I’m sorry,” I apologized on his behalf, rubbing his arm in an attempt to sooth him, “He’s just upset. Are you all alright?”

Prissily, she gave us and the truck a look of quiet distaste. “Yes. We’re all fine,” she said in a clear, sharp voice. “And everybody in your party is alright as well, I take it.”

Her way of speaking was strange, but once again, the stiffness of it was quiet familiar. But I couldn’t place it. It was killing me. “Yes, we’re fine. I can’t say so much for the truck.”

“Ah yes,” she said, glancing at the truck, “My apologies. We take full responsibility. Now would you like to exchange insurance information or would you just prefer the money for the repairs?”

Both Carter and I were taken back by this. Not only were they admitting it was their fault, but they didn’t even care about exchanging insurance info. Didn’t they want their car fixed too? Or did this woman really have that much money to fritter away?

“Umm let’s just exchange insurance,” Carter said, seeming taken back by this admission of guilt. He’d probably been expecting them to try and pin the blame on him. But since they hadn’t – well this seemed to have calmed him down a bit.

“Alright then,” she said, nodding, “Liam – get him the insurance information.”

The chauffer nodded and led Carter away to exchange information. I opened my mouth to say something, I wasn’t sure exactly what, but it would probably be some sort of thank you. But the words never left my lips because just then, the back door opened again, and another person stepped out. And this one, I certainly recognized.


I’d recognized those cobalt blue eyes anywhere, even when they were hidden behind flopping blonde bangs. Dressed impeccably in a white long sleeved shirt beneath a tasteful black vest and his signature boots, he looked incredibly sexy. As per usual. Even in real life, his sun kissed tan appeared to glow as if airbrushed and his eyes seemed to sparkle as if photo shopped. It was crazy.

“I told you to wait in the car Jacen,” the dark haired woman admonished, her voice a near hiss as she glanced at me apprehensively. That’s when I made the connection. This was Jacen’s au pair! That’s where I knew her from.

“You were taking too long,” Jacen whined petulantly, “I was getting bored.”

His au pair glanced at me again, as if waiting for me to have a fangirl freakout. Jacen followed her gaze to me and once he caught sight of me, his eyes lit up – excitement overwhelming the usual apathy.

“Jane?” he said in disbelief.

His au pair wrinkled her nose in distaste. “You know this girl?”

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