chapter 1; The reunion

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Cassie's pov;
Its been 2 years since I left, and my life suprising got better. I have a good job, my new apartment and starting college very soon. I havent heard from the rest of the circle since i left. I finally can control my dark magic, i dont really use my powers anymore if i had a choice I wouldnt even have magic.

While at work today I though i seen Adam and Jake.. but im pretty sure my mind was just messing with me. Until I went over to a table to wait on them and I looked down and saw Jake staring at me. What could I get you? I tried to play it off like I didnt regonize him but lets be honest he knows i know who he is.

"Cassie Blake, as I live and breate its so good to see you." Jake said.

I knew there was a reason why he was here so I just demanded to know why he's here. He asked if we could go outside and talk; id probably regret this but I went.

Jake's pov;
I cant believe, I found her but she's going to hate me when she sees im not the only one here. We went into the ally and all i could think about was how beautiful she is. I wish I never had to let her go but I did and now i might never be able to tell her how I felt. Im with frey anyway and it sucks but I have to act happy for now with her until she finally leaves me. We havent been doing good anyways.

Finally we got to the part of the ally where we were all meeting. I think she knew they were going to show up, because she had a waiting expression on her face. Finally Diana, Adam, Melissa, and Faye showed up. Cassie ended up starting to laugh and stated she didnt want any part in the cirlce and told us all to leave. She started walking away when Diana yelled to her "Cassie, your my sister. We need your help your really going to turn your back on me".

You dont have any right to call me your sister. You left way before I did, you left me behind and now your all back for what? So ill have to use my dark magic im not doing it Diana im done with the cirlce and im not coming back. And Jake, you knew that you knew I was done.

I left without even thinking twice. My dark magic almost killed the circle and me why would they think i would go back? Instead I went back to my apartment and got changed and was ready for bed. I was laying in bed when i heard my front door open. I went out ready to use my magic but then everything went black.

I woke up in a dark factory building, i started screaming for help; trying to use my magic but nothing was happening. I heard footsteps and then the dark factory became light. I looked up and all I see it my father. Hows this possible i killed you, you were dead.

" Cassie you should know this by now, im never really dead. I brough you here to get the cirlce here because its time for you all to die".

You actually think they will come? I told them off today. They wont come and they wont be stupid enough to come because they will know its a trap. All he kept doing was laughing before he left. He mummbled something and im pretty sure he said. "Jake will come, he's inlove with you. But we all know thats not true. Jakes with fray and he's happy.

I started hearing screams, then i got knocked out....

Will Cassie get saved? Is jake really in love with her... find out next chapter.

Sorry its so short but ive had this stuck in my head for months now and I really hope you guys like it.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2017 ⏰

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