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Mondays are a bitch Anna thought as she walked from her car to the school. Anna was not ready to face Troy and Conner. She had come to the same conclusion for both boys. She felt as if they were part of her family and that was it. Both boys had asked her out Thursday and it had been clouding her mind all weekend. She thought for hours of how she felt without any success. If it hadn't been for a dream she would still be agonizing over her feelings.
Her dream was embarrassingly cliche. It was her wedding day and she walked down the aisle she kept her eyes down with shyness until she was at the end. When she looked up the person waiting for her at the end of the aisle it was not Troy or Conner. It was an unknown man. Off to the side stood Troy and Conner smiling for Anna as she met the man she was to spend the rest of her life with.
Upon waking after the dream after she was done feeling silly Anna realized that despite being totally cliche it was laced with meaning. She didn't feel romantically towards either boy. Now without the thoughts of her feelings. It was time to face down the lesser of the two evils. She had to let both boys down easy. Now her only question was how to handle the situation. She could beat around the bush, but she thought it best to come right out and say it. "Who's first" she queried herself.
She found Conner first. It was half an hour before classes started. Here goes Anna thought. She approached Conner a bittersweet smile on her face. As soon as Conner looked up he could tell he'd been rejected. Silently he resigned himself to his loss. But he couldn't help but notice through his sadness how breathtakingly gorgeous she was. The words were so insufficient to describe her that it was almost blasphemous. There were just no words for her that could even come close to doing her justice. with long black hair that curled in at the ends and the and eyes the most beautiful deep emerald green. Her lips were full and naturally a light shade of red that looked darker against her fair skin. She had the kind of face that caught your attention and then trapped your gaze until she was out of your sight. Even if you only took her looks into account she was a  heart-breaker. But she also had a personality that was as beautiful as her face. Now Conner didn't mean to get cliche by thinking of her exactly how fairy tale princesses are always described but he couldn't help it. Yes she had her flaws but her good traits out numbered the bad. Maybe he was biased but he didn't care.

"Conner..." Anna was cut off before she could say anything more.

"it's fine Anna you don't need to say anything. I know what you're going to say." she opened her mouth to say more but was once more cut off by Conner. "I know you want to explain there's no need, You care about me but not in that way so you won't be dating me." Anna nodded her agreement. A moment of silence passed between the two of them before Conner spoke up. "Thank you for your honesty. we'll still be friends because I don't want to be apart from you even if I cannot Date you, however I need a break just give me this week." Anna looked up at him and sadly nodded her head. The sight would be enough to break even the coldest of hearts and his heart had always been warm. This was going to take quite an adjustment he thought to himself as he turned away from Anna and towards his first class.

Troy was not nearly as understanding as Conner had been. He wasn't aggressive about it but she noticed that when she spoke to Troy she was now talking to the bad boy not the sweet guy she knew was on the inside and the blow hurt as much as if he had uttered a thousand insults. Once Anna left him they did not talk for the rest of the day despite the fact that they sat near one another in two of their next classes. She had to keep reminding herself that she had done the right thing. She decided the thing to get her mind off of her two best friends was to go to her favorite place. The place where she kept her biggest secret big enough that not even her mother knew and probably never would.

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