I grinned.

Lily came in, "Chrissy, Simon left so I have no one to play with. Can I please play with (Y/N)?" She asked, and I nodded.

"I'm bored of dress ups now, so I'm going to go find Eric to make bombs with." I replied, then walked out of the toy room to find Eric.


(Y/N) changed out of her costume, and we walked out to the backyard. We started playing in the back garden, kicking a soccer ball around. You kicked the ball, and it landed in a patch of flowers. I ran over to the ball, but tripped in the flower patch, and landed on some twigs. I saw the ball and went to pick it up, but I noticed a rabbit. I picked it up, and saw that it was hurt. I awed. You ran over to the rabbit and I, then we both walked inside.

We ran into Evangeline at the bottom of the stairs.

"Hello, Lily, (Y/N). Tsk, Lily! You have twigs in your hair again, your knees and elbows are bleeding, and your clothes are torn!" Evangeline stopped talking when she noticed the rabbit in my arms.

"Oh, poor thing. Come along, you two. I'll fix up the rabbit, don't worry." She said, and carefully took the rabbit out of my arms.

She walked upstairs, but turned around. "Lily, I think that you are a perfect princess, even if you don't look like it. Putting others before yourself, and helping something when you didn't need to. Even though you don't look like it, you are a perfect princess." Evangeline said, then walked out of sight up the stairs.

Tora came along.

"Can I please steal (Y/N) off you for a little while?" Tora asked, and I nodded.

"I have to fix myself up, and it may take a little while." I said, then went upstairs to fix up my hair, elbows, and knees.


I looked around to see if anyone was listening.

"Cook made a batch of brownies, but she won't let any of us kids have some, so I'm going to steal some. I'm only going to steal a few, and I wanted to share with you because you haven't tasted any of Cook's brownies yet. Do you want in?" I asked you, and you nodded.

"Come on." I said, and we snuck to the kitchens, where Cook was sleeping in her chair.

I put my finger to my lips, and you nodded. We crept over to the batch of brownies, and I took six. We crept out of the kitchen, then went out to the treehouse.

We were now sitting in the treehouse, and eating our brownies.

You wrote something down in your notebook. 'Aren't you the good child?'

I laughed at your question.

"No, not always. I only act as the good child because I don't get in trouble as much. Good girls are bad girls that haven't been caught. Just because a person acts like they are good, doesn't mean they are." I told you, and you nodded.

We wiped our mouths and hands, to get rid of the evidence.

Eric's head popped up from the trapdoor.

"Tora, can I please borrow (Y/N) for a minute or two?" He asked, and I nodded. "Yeah, sure. I'm going to help Evangeline hang out the washing." I said, and Eric disappeared from the treehouse, you followed him.

I walked to Evangeline, who was hanging out the clothes, and started helping her.


I wanted to show (Y/N) the new story I wrote. It's about her and Simon. We walked into the foyer, and I pulled out my pages, and Seb came down the stairs.

"Eric, can you play with me? I'm bored." He stated, and I shook my head.

lSorry, Sebastian, but I'm going to read a story of mine to (Y/N)." I replied,

"Eric, you're a nerd. You are always reading." Seb groaned, and you scowled at him, then hit him on the back of the head.

Seb ran off somewhere else, probably to Simon.

'Sorry.' You signed, and I sighed.

"It's alright." I spoke, and you pursed your lips, then nodded.

I cleared my throat, signalling that I was starting to read.

"Once upon a time, there once was a young fairy princess. She had travelled miles and miles, wandering from place to place. She had found a castle with a kind King, who had seven unruly children. She had asked the King if she could stay at his castle, and the King let her stay, under one rule; she had to teach his children manners.

The eldest prince was the hardest to teach, as he was an unmannered twat.

(A/N: 'unmannered twat' a Shakespeare in the making up in this fanfic 😂)

But, as the time went on, and the longer that the fairy princess was staying at his Father's castle, he realised that he was falling for the fairy princess. He asked the fairy princess for her hand in marriage, and the fairy princess was over the moon.
They had lived happily ever after.

The End."

I looked up at you, and you clapped your hands, then thought about something. I didn't know what you were thinking about, but I hoped that it was Simon.

"(Y/N)?" I said, getting your attention, "Your mutism. Is it selective or physical?" I questioned, and you pursed your lips.

'Physical.' You signed, and Simon came in through the front door.

"Eric, can I please have (Y/N) for a moment?" He asked, and I nodded, our plan falling into action.

You and Simon walked out the front door, and I opened the door, and Simon looked back. I held up the story, and Simon nodded. I sighed, it was all in Simon's hands now. If he messes this up I'm gonna tell Evangeline so he'll stop getting dessert for a week.


I took you to my mother's garden. It looked beautiful at night, and it was night time now. We stopped at the hedge maze, and I grabbed your hand. I lead you through the maze, and we sat down in the middle of the garden, near the tree with the swing. I sat down in the flowers under the swing, and you followed suit. I took a deep breath. You looked at me. I started speaking.

"(Y/N), since the day I met you, I've always thought you were beautiful, and I started to develop feelings for you. You may think that my feelings for you is just some silly crush, but it's more than that. I know it is." I stopped speaking, and you nodded, encouraging me to go on.

"(Y/N). I like you." I finished, and your eyes widened.

You stood up, wrote something on a piece of paper then crumpled it up into a ball and threw it at me, then left. I quickly straightened it out so I could read it.

'No one likes a person that can't talk.' was written in sloppy, rushed letters, with a few teardrops on the paper.

I got up about half an hour later, and went inside. I walked upstairs, and everyone was asleep, except for you, who was curled up in the bathroom on the floor. I sat in front of you, making you look up. I got changed into my pjyamas, and walked over to my bed. You quickly looked away from me.

I laid down so I was facing you. You rolled over. I soon fell asleep, with you invading my dreams.

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