Chapter Three.

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Eric's plan was in motion. (Y/N), Simon, Tora, Lily, Eric, Chrissy, and I were eating fairy bread in the dining room, Evangeline was nice enough to make us some to have after lunch. Aggy was too young to eat it. There was only once piece of fairy bread left, and we were all arguing over who was going to have it. Simon was arguing on his and (Y/N)'s behalf. I stood up.

"Wait, there's enough for all of us to have a bit of it!" I stated, and they all looked at me as though I was stupid.

"No, there's not." Tora said.

I probably sounded stupid, but my statement was true. I took the butter knife that Evangeline had left with the fairy bread, and I cut the slice into seven pieces. I gave one to (Y/N), one to Simon, one to Tora, one to Lily, one to Eric, one to Chrissy, and I kept one for myself.

"See, I told you. There is enough to go around, no matter how much there is." I said, and Lily groaned.

"But that's not even much fairy bread!" She complained.

Eric responded, "Well, you still have some. Unless you would rather give it to someone else?"

Then, Lily shook her head.

"I thought so." Eric replied.

Chrissy grabbed your arm, then asked you, "Do you want to play dress ups?"

You nodded, then you both went to the toy room, because that's where the chest of clothes are.


(Y/N) and I were in the toy room playing dress ups. She was wearing a purple tiara with a purple dress, and it brung out her eyes.

 She was wearing a purple tiara with a purple dress, and it brung out her eyes

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I gasped

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I gasped.

"Y/n, you look like a princess!" I exclaimed, and she shook her head, and wrote down something on a piece of paper.

'I'm not a princess.' I tsked, then grabbed her hands, took her over to the couch, and sat down, you following suit.

"(Y/N), you don't have to be married to a prince to be a princess, or adopted by a royal family. Being a princess is about being kind, loyal, and loving. Not all princesses wear dresses or live in a castle. Look at Evangeline! She isn't educated, and she gets treated horribly, but she's still kind, loyal and loving, thank goodness. So next time you are going to say that you aren't a princess, I would like you to think." I stated, and you nodded.

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