Chapter One - Letters From A Liar

Start from the beginning

"I don't even remember it." Harry insisted.
"People aren't going teh see it that way, you were the one who stopped him so yer the hero," Hagrid told him with a slight touch of sorrow in his voice. Harry was annoyed, he never wanted to be a hero, he had no reason to save people, people had never done anything for him. in spite of this, Harry knew that if Voldemort did ever return, he would be the one to kill him, he would kill him with his bare hands if he had to. "Dumbledore said that yer wouldn't know stuff, but I never expected this," Harry remembered that Dumbledore was the headmaster of Hogwarts and that he had been the one to leave Harry at the Dursleys.
"Has Dumbledore been keeping an eye on me?" Harry asked, using his words selectively so that the Dursleys wouldn't realise what was happening. Now that Harry had learned of Voldemort, he knew that the wizarding world would not have just sent him away.
"I suppose, yer Harry Potter after all." Hagrid chuckled. "Why'd yer ask?"
"You've mentioned him a few times, it seemed like he was in charge." Harry shrugged the question off easily as the anger welled up inside him. This meant that Dumbledore knew everything, all the things that the Dursleys had put him through over the years, the beatings, the starving, the cupboard, overall neglects and how he had been treated like a slave since he was able to hold a broom.
"Great man Dumbledore," Hagrid added as an afterthought.
Harry had no answer to that, Dumbledore did not seem all that great to him, in no circumstance should anyone have to go through the abuse that he went through. The great man that Hagrid saw was false, just a facade. To Harry Dumbledore was just one thing, a liar. Liars deserve to be punished.

And so, Harry James Potter left for Hogwarts with two goals in his mind, to avenge his parents' murder, and to punish Albus Dumbledore for his manipulation of others.

When Ronald Weasley received his acceptance letter, he was not even surprised, all of his older brothers had been accepted into the school, and he himself had done accidental magic many times. Ronald knew that he had a lot to overcome once attended Hogwarts, he knew the views that people had of his family, views that he hated to be included in. When his father died, their family had been thrown into a worse poverty than before, his mother had worked full time at the ministry of magic. But now, they were living better than they ever had been, his mother was now head of the Department of Mysteries, whilst Bill and Charlie sent home a quarter of their earnings, to make up for any losses. During his childhood, Ronald had been very dependent on his mother, but when his family learned of his fascination with the Dark Arts, he had been cast aside and forced to grow up alone. On the day that his letter arrived, Molly Weasley had informed Ronald that he would not be going, but after Dumbledore had visited, she changed her mind and Ronald was allowed to attend. The Weasleys, like the rest of the wizarding world, had a blind faith in Dumbledore, one that Ronald failed to understand, yet despite his mistrust in the man, he was more than happy to let him talk Molly into letting him go to Hogwarts. However, to his dismay, Ronald learned that he would be in the same year as Harry Potter and would be overshadowed by everything the saviour did. Ronald planned to stay clear of the saviour, as he was a beacon of light and would surely look down upon Ronald's interests just as everyone else had. Besides, as he was a hero, he would be in Gryffindor, and would get himself killed by the end of his first year for trying to save everyone. Unlike the rest of his family, Ronald had no intentions of being in Gryffindor, the bunch of do-gooders made him sick to the stomach and he relinquished the thought that he would have to get along with people like that.

Despite all outward appearances, Ronald was very excited the day they went to Diagon Alley to buy his school supplies, he had already constructed a plan, as he knew that his mother would refuse to leave his side the entire time. They had been there for about an hour before Ronald started his plan.
"Mother?" Ronald asked innocently.
"What is it, Ronald?" Molly replied in annoyance,
"Do you get lonely when everyone is at school?"
"Oh - why I suppose I do." The shock on Molly's face was clear, Ronald had not shown much interest in their family life for years.
"Have you ever thought of buying a communication device? I hear they are very popular these days." He informed her.
"Ooh what a grand idea!" Molly exclaimed. "I can get one for all you boys at Hogwarts, and even one for Bill and Charlie." Just as Ronald expected, Molly rushed towards the nearest supplier and left Ronald alone, with his money and school supplies. Ronald smiled and started to make his way through the crowds towards Knockturn Alley, a street that he was forbidden to go down, however, there was an important book on the Dark Arts for sale there, which he wanted to buy. Ronald had never been allowed a book on the Dark Arts, as Molly was afraid of what he would do with the knowledge, but Ronald planned to use his free time to practise it at Hogwarts.
The man in Msaw Ætaregave Ronald a surprised look when he entered, the Weasley red hair was famous, especially for its association with the Light Side. Nevertheless, Ronald ignored him and started to browse the shelves for the particular book he had in mind. Just as he had heard, the book was here, Infamous Blood Rituals and How To Use Them. With a look of triumph on his face, Ronald pulled the book from the shelf and went to pay for it.
"Do you know what that book is?" The clerk asked Ronald when he caught sight of the title.
"Of course, I want to buy it after all," Ronald replied coolly. "Besides, it is your job to sell me the book, not to be concerned about whether I will know how to use it."
"Alright then." Gruffed the man, he accepted Ronald's money and handed him back the book. Nothing more was said and Ronald left the shop, the book clutched in his hands.
He hurried down the side of the shop, pulled out his wand, prepared to use it for the first time, the spell he had researched at the front of his mind. He pointed the wand at the book and spoke the incantation clearly. "Reducio." The book began to shrink until it was small enough for him to fit inside his robe pocket undetected. Ron smirked, Hogwarts would surely be interesting.

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