"It looks like the kitchen sponge in my mum's kitchen," he stated, "Really?" she questioned, "Yeah, but how did it get here, and when did it start talking?" Joe asked, the teacher laughed, "I don't know Joe," she answered.

"Mew?" Gary mewed looking at Spongebob, Spongebob looked at Gary, "Non-sense, Gary they're just kidding." Spongebob slightly laughed.

Then the teacher turned to Gary, "Ewww! and what on Earth is this beast doing here!" she said in disgust.

Spongebob screamed, "Beast, what beast where is it?" he cried, he looked at Gary, "Hurry Gary, get in my backpack, you'll be safer." he said but before Gary could move again the teacher grabbed him.

Spongebob screamed, "Gary! Don't worry Gary daddy will save you from that evil monster!" he screamed yanking Gary away from the teacher.

"Few, that was close, wasn't it Gary." Spongebob said hugging him, then he turned to Ms. Shelly, "Did you see that Ms. Shelly, that thing was trying to get to Gary, but I saved him" he said.

"That thing, is your snail?" she asked, aggravated, "Yeah his name's Gary, I thought introduced him to you." Spongebob said, "There are no pets allowed in my classroom." she huffed.

Spongebob looked at Gary, this didn't make any since, "Pet, but Gary's not a pet." he said looking at Gary before he looked at the teacher.

"I don't care what the barnels this creature is, get it out of my class room." she ordered, "B, but he wants to go to school too" Spongebob said, the sponge was starting to cry.

"Oh I don't have time for this, here I'll get rid of it." she said snatching Gary from Spongebob, again, but the sponge didn't let go of him.

"Spongebob Squarepants, let go of it!" she shouted, "N, no I, I can't you're hurting him." Spongebob cried.

"Let go or you're in big trouble Mr!" she shouted but Spongebob still wouldn't let go, but either way someone had to give up, but surprisingly for a small kid, the sponge won.

"I won't let you hurt Gary! Hurry buddy go get in the bag, and don't get out until I say so, ok." Spongebob said.

The teacher rolled her eyes, "and a rebel at that as well." she said, all the kids including the teacher stared at him and his snail, he didn't understand what was going on, what was this feeling rating off of them, what did he do?


Spongebob and Gary were sitting at the table that their teacher had assigned them to, "Here you go, Gary." he said handing Gary a plate of snail po.

"Mew." Gary smiled before he chowed down on his food.

"Hey you, kitchen scrubber." says a kid, who was standing behind Spongebob staring down at him, Spongebob cocked his head to the side.

"Did you hear that Gare-Bare?" Spongebob asked, but Gary didn't say anything he just cowered in Spongebob's bag, trembling in fear. "Gary? Hey what's wrong are you cold?" Spongebob asked, "Mew" Gary quietly meowed.

"Run, what for?" Spongebob asked, "hey you, I'm talking to you." the kid said once again, this time Spongebob turned around and looked at him, "Oh that was you, hello!" Spongebob greeted, "My name's Spongebob Squarepants, but my friends call me Spongebob, what's your name?" Spongebob asked.

The fish looked at his two friends, then back at Spongebob, "Francis, and this here is Chummy, and Mac." Francis said, "Oh cool names, I like those names, hey want to be best friends?" Spongebob asked.

The three kids just started laughing, "Who is this kid?" Francis questioned, "I don't know but he's really annoying." Chummy said, "I know right?" they all laughed.

ChildhoodOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora