Achilles heel

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Story v2 pt 2

Cole flew out of the forest, leaves trailing behind him as he hit the ground and rolled. He skidded to a stop when Rusty opened the back door. He took one look at Cole before sighing and pressing his fingers to his forehead. He held the door and motioned for Cole to go inside.

"Ok. What the hell did ya do?" Rusty asked, sounding exasperated as he sat down at the table.

"Ok here's what happened. I went back to that place like I told you. When I got off the elevator I saw the body, but it was half gone."

"Like it had been eaten by Grimm." Rusty interrupted.

"No." That got his attention. "It was gone like a Grimm's body. It was dissolving slower than a Grimm though. I walked up to it to investigate, but then I heard a noise. I had turned around in time to see the elevator shaft explode. I found out I can control fire as well as generate it. I made it bend around me, but I couldn't stop the metal shards from the doors. That's why my clothes are covered in holes." Rusty started to interrupt again, but Coel raised his hand. "Let me finish first. The explosion set the crates on fire, which started setting off the shipping containers. I'm guessing they were filled with dust, cause the detonated too. I hurried to the elevator shaft and started to climb up when I felt the fire from the explosions happening below start to travel up after me. I used my semblance to try to fly, it kinda worked. So I got out and came back here. Then it was now and I don't know what happens next." Cole finished, inhaling in an exaggerated way.

"Is that all?" Rusty asked, leaning back in his chair. Cole nodded and Rusty reached over and pulled up Coles sleeve, revealing where the metal had fused with his skin.

"Boy," Rusty started, shaking his head. "What am I gonna do with ya? That metal ain't gonna come off easily, if at all."

"Eh, I kinda like it... Looks cool." Cole stated, looking down at his arm. "Besides, I could probably just melt it off, see?" His arm was suddenly ablaze, the metal in his arm instantly started glowing with heat.

"Cole! Don't do that inside! You'll burn the house down!" Rusty shouted. The fire went out as quickly as it appeared.

"Sorry," Cole rubbed the back of his head awkwardly. "I didn't think first." He said, turned back to the door. "I'll go melt this off..." He walked out back and completely burst into flames. All the metal on him started to liquefy, before he let out a scream of pain and stopped his flames. He fell to his knees in pain as Rusty burst out the door, swords in hand, ready to cut down anything out there. He quickly sheathed his blades and ran to Cole. Rusty place a hand on his shoulder, and jerked back from the heat.

"Boy, did ya really think that wouldn't hurt?" Rusty asked, watching the metal harden again. "It's liquid metal, it's gonna hurt like hell."

"Y-yea..." Cole breathed out. "I-I can't get t-too hot now..." Cole shook slightly as he stood back up. "Let's get Sapphire and Amys up. I think we should work on combat again today." Cole said, looking up at Rusty.

"Ya sure? Ya used a bit of your aura up. It'll take a bit of rest before ya got it all back." He stated.

"Yeah, I'll be fine. Plus after yesterday we know we need to practice more."

Rusty sighed and started back into the house. "Alright then, boy. But we are gonna do me vs ya two." Coles eyes widened a bit before he nodded.

"Sounds fun." He said with a smirk. "I'll get Sapphire." He said before running up the stairs. Sapphire was already awake and gathering her weapon.

"Heard you scream and your conversation with dad... Well the part about both of us fighting him today." She said with a cheery grin. They both ran down the stairs and out side to wait for the hunters.

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