"So he checks out completely?" Sid says at the doorway.

"I believe so."

"So who then?"

"I know Stuart checked into that girl but the both of us are a little hesitant in the master's reference for her. He was positive about her, stating that she attends the coven meetings, she pays her duties to the group fund, she works a reasonable job but there is something so unsettling about it all."

"You think she is the problem?" Sid frowns at Phil.

"Well until Stuart is back from his investigations I don't know. Maybe we should be grateful you don't have any bunnies to boil."

I laughed, even more so when Sid had a confused look on his face.

"Fatal attraction."

"Great movie." Phil said very wide eyed "Convinced me to be faithful."

"Yeah, I think I might get it for Sid to watch." I said with a devious smirk.

"Again? Really?" he snapped.

"I'm teasing." I laughed again.

"It's not funny. One damned kiss and I'm still paying for it. Now you think she's going psycho on us."

"It may not be her."

"But I'd lay money on it." Phil says very darkly "Think about it, she's been kicked out of her coven, sure she's got a new one but it's not the same. All of her friends have cut her because of what happened, she lost a good job. And if we look at this from an obsessive point of view, she has lost Sid, a potential love interest. She could have been pining for him for quite some time."

I looked at Sid who was quietly sipping his drink, trying to hide from the inquisition.

"Well? How long was she obsessing over you?"

"A while I think. She had been working here for a year before you arrived. I never took any notice of her, but looking back I can see the way she looked at me, flirted. Always able to work, took on shifts if someone couldn't work."

"So she was here pretty much permanently?" Phil asks.


"Well then, I think we have a bunny boiler on our hands. Well done Sid."

He scoffs and throws his hands in the air.

"You don't know it's her."

"Who else is it then?"

"I don't know, it's your job to find out."

"Ok, if you two are done."

I lifted Kayla out of the high chair, Dylan moved to my side.

"I want you to investigate her completely. Bank records, she would have had to pay a substantial amount of money for this. Phone records, she would have had to contact them at some point. Then do the same for the family, if it isn't her then we might find who it is by tracking backwards."


"You seem more at ease, my lady."

Cody watched me with curiosity, two big blue eyes never left my face. His personality had changed, he wasn't pursing me, he wasn't looking where he shouldn't, he wasn't even making comments about Sid. Maybe he has settled down with his new life, Katy and their son.

"I feel at ease."

"You are meditating still?"

"When I have time and am not being abducted." I grinned.

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